Sunday, 30 April 2017

SB2 - Next article to analysis

Ux design practice is paving the way for users to interact with a product. The scale ranges from providing complete freedom to making all decisions for them. The issue with making all decisions for them is that this happens without the users know. 'As a part of our daily routine, user experience designers “hack” into the thought patterns of their users.' something not everyone would be aware of, Social media sites in particular do this by creating addictive habits for us. 

'I would define an ethical challenge as the moment when the line of making seemingly-motiveless decisions that serve the interests of the system over those of the user, is crossed.'

The positive thing however is it is becoming much more difficult for ux designers to take advantage of users because we can now all be a critique with the help of reviews. Companys are beginning to recognise this and are thinking about designing more for the user rather than the product. 'users today have a developed sense of critique. They voluntarily leave reviews in app stores, use stars to rate, invest time in conversations about the product/service, etc.' - Yonatan

On one hand, multiple options = freedom to act

On the other hand, limiting the user = preventing errors

An interesting example used is google docs autosave feature which there is virtually no downside to and most users would appreciate the features. Where as apps saying your card details automatically for your next purchase without asking could in fact be controversial. And is more beneficial to the company than it is to the user.  

Newsletter registration: It is quite obvious that whoever builds a registration form is interested that users would sign up. On the other hand, as users ourselves, most of us can attest the problems in newsletters. You have been participating in a conversation online, and the next thing you know, you are getting a newsletter, ads and notifications of new posts without explicitly opting. So, should we pre-check opt-in checkboxes or not?

Social networks: If we think of Facebook’s default settings for a moment, when commenting, unless set otherwise, you will be notified of every new comment. It is true that it is useful (to keep track of the conversation), but there is no ignoring the fact that Facebook benefits from you returning over and over to check your notifications. The fear of missing out (or being left out, in this case) can become addicting eventually. I am quite certain that they have considered the number of notifications to walk the fine line between being informative and wasting time. - This confirms research i have gathered from other posts. 

A recent feature has been introduced on Facebook. Besides (not instead) the notifications we are used to seeing, comments on someone’s wall post pop up in a seemingly “chat window”, next to the “regular” chats. For example, if I have congratulated someone, and they thanked me, it pops in the form of a conversation window, encouraging me to keep the conversation going (take note – publicly). For Facebook, it is close to a magical feature. A small change in a familiar pattern, yet one that increases user engagement. You are used to seeing private chats appear this way, so the primary instinct would be to divert attention there and keep on chatting.
There is no debate over the fact that if you want any product to survive, one major long-term goal is always to make the users come back and act over and over again. That being said, users who feel burdened by distractions demanded by less-important visuals would probably be irritated when being forced to divert their attention. - This last paragraph is important to consider and for social media companys to take into account

SB1 - Contact with Boff Whally - Exhibition curator

SB2 - Abstracts worth noting -

Using social media Web sites is among the most common activity of today’s children and adolescents. Any Web site that allows social interaction is considered a social media site, including social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter; gaming sites and virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Second Life, and the Sims; video sites such as YouTube; and blogs. Such sites offer today’s youth a portal for entertainment and communication and have grown exponentially in recent years. For this reason, it is important that parents become aware of the nature of social media sites, given that not all of them are healthy environments for children and adolescents. Pediatricians are in a unique position to help families understand these sites and to encourage healthy use and urge parents to monitor for potential problems with cyberbullying, “Facebook depression,” sexting, and exposure to inappropriate content. Pediatrics 2011;127:800–804

Good article with lots of pros and cons of social media for youths.'Keeffe_and_Pearson._2011._The_Impact_of_Social_Media_on_Children,_Adolescents,_and_Families.pdf

SB2 - The psychology of very public displays of possessions

Notes, thoughts and quotes from article. 

Summary: article suggests their is an issue that people do not seem to be aware of. The repeated use of social media for pleasure can lead to unhealthy addictions. However the issue seems to be more around our culture and how people want to be percieved within it, people want an identity. 

'Research on why people use social networks, particularly Facebook, suggests that personal factors like neuroticism, narcissism, shyness, self-esteem and self-worth contribute to their need for self-presentation on the internet.'

This article addresses some issues and positives of using social media to fulfill needs they are unaware of. For example using the likes from a selfie as a way to enhance thier mood. This is clearly an unhealthy way to achieve happiness and could lead to a problem down the line. Ayesha Almazroui states that 

'Focusing on self-esteem, psychologists say that online oversharing could be driven by – and have an impact on – a person’s confidence. For example, the self-esteem of those posting many selfies may be tied to the comments and "likes" they get from other people, who would actually judge them based on how they look like, not on who they really are.'

This can then actually build into a addiction. Because almazoui goes on to say 'While seeking some approval is normal, psychologists say these people risk getting addicted to taking selfies and getting positive feedback. In cases when they received negative comments or didn’t get enough "likes", their confidence could plummet and this might have an impact on their mental health'

The article then gives an example of a boy of attempted to commit suicide after becoming obsessed with capturing the perfect selfie. He would spend 10 hours a day and taking up to 200 photos. The boy 'underwent intensive hospital therapy to combat his technology addiction, OCD and Body Dysmorphic Disorder – a form of anxiety that causes sufferers to worry excessively about their appearance.' 'Dr David Veal, a psychiatrist at the London clinic where Danny was treated, told the Mirror: “Danny’s case is particularly extreme. But this is a serious problem. It’s not a vanity issue. It’s a mental health one which has an extremely high suicide rate.”' Danny himself says “It’s a real problem like drugs, alcohol or gambling. I don’t want anyone to go through what I’ve been through.” This is evidence of something going on which is not right, I believe it has a lot to do with addiction being created by social media which youths are using to help mask an issue they may be suffering with. Stress, depressions, aniexty, low self estem etc

The article points out that there is, even more, pressure on women this is something I myself worry about having a sister and two nieces because there does seem to be this fasard of Instagram women. Who are creating these personas of themselves which may not always be real? 

'recent study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking found that females who base their self-worth on their appearance tend to share more photos of themselves online to ultimately compete for attention. Sharing too many pictures of oneself is often associated with narcissism, but on the contrary, it can also be linked to low self-esteem.' I tryed to read this study but it was 59$ for the hour so I will just take almazouis word for it. 

Some people's confidence is tied to how well their romantic relationship is going. You often see people on social media posting about their relationship regularly new research at Albright College in Pennsylvania. suggests. 

'Those people often have higher levels of relationship-contingent self-esteem – an unhealthy form of self-esteem that depends on the person’s romantic relationship – and so they use technology to express their happiness.This can also be applied to people who post pictures of their luxurious possessions on social media: their self-esteem can be tied up with the things they own.' This can then cause uplifting and positive affects which would help boost confidence but in the long term this is not a healthy way to gain these things and again could lead to addiction simlar to that of drugs. 

Because we live ina  society where many people identify themselves with their material possesions. sharing pictures of thus items would help express their desired identity and inclination to be part of a cetain group. In the process, individuals come to find pleasure and comfort whenever they post images of their things online, which simultaneously helps them to reinforce continuity in their identity.

'Another study from Harvard University, published this year in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirms this by finding that self-disclosure is strongly associated with increased activation in the brain’s pleasure and reward centers, which increases even more when people were told they had an audience.'

This, the research explains, could be driven by something really simple, such as creating "social bonds" with other people.
It is then concluded that people may not be away of this but they are addicted. 'Not all social media users are aware of the reasons why they share so much information about themselves online, or how the personal information they post is being perceived and interpreted by other people. But the psychological rewards of such activity surely makes it addictive.'


Saturday, 29 April 2017

SB2 - Perception of the eye

Reading through this article helped me grasp a better understanding of the eye and how we perceive things. The main point I took away from it was to be aware that there are ways in which people eyes may be affected such as visual stress or color blindness. There aspects should be taken into consideration and tested. 

SB1 - Plan for monday

I will create a couple simple a3 posters which use type on them. I will print 3 different type variations on acetate. I will also eExperiment further in the dark room, using the off cuts to put together a collage piece. I will then also scan in my final choices and create screen prints with them so I can experiment with colour more. 

SB1 - Thinking about the words

I want to have a short description of what bicyclism is and stand for so I have been reading over the newspaper this is a list of sentences i have either put together or taken from the papers.

  • The peoples nag - working class machine 
  • The freedom machine - first name given by creator 
  • Celebrating the people in and around leeds, who inhabit the world of cycling, its history and culture. 
  • Celebrating Leeds on two wheels, Biyclism big visual rummage through the history and culture of cycling in and around the Leeds area,
  • Leeds city museum 
  • 'If you stop pedaling you will fall off' 
  • pedal-powered democracy 
  • Bicyclism is a broad sweep across the area's cycling culture, and a desire to record it. An attempt to highlight the connections between all the city's cyclists, who ride for a thousand diffrent reasons. Essentially, Bicyclism is about a city and its people on two wheels."
    • I ’ve got a bike
      You can ride it if you like
      It’s got a basket, a bell that rings
      And things to make it look good.
    • ""The four ageing cyclists eating their butties on a bench outside the café on the road to Leyburn smile at me as I pedal past. For a moment I feel like one of them, a proper cyclist, on nodding terms with those whose veins run with bicycle lubricant. About two hundred metres further down the road I realise I’ve taken a wrong turning, and should have headed off right at the last roundabout. I turn around and ride back. I have to do the nod again, only this time it’s accompanied by a mutual grin that recognises my stupidity. Because I’m not one of them at all, really. I never will be. I’m at best an enthusiastic part-timer, connected to these cycling veterans by the simple fact of straddling that most democratic of machines, the bicycle."
    • Bicyclism – Leeds on Two Wheels’ is a big visual rummage through the history and culture of cycling in and around the Leeds area,

    Friday, 28 April 2017

    SB2 - Read and write up this article

    SB1 - Further Darkroom experimentation

    Further Experimentation 

    Biyclism Chain - For this poster The simplity of the bicycles form has heavy influenced the aesthetic. Biycyclism lettering is in the shape of old jersey layout but also is positioned to symetrical to the cog in order to show and abstract looking bike chain outline. 

    Using the chain for this composition to create an inspiretion the circular chains have the words literally on the move. 

    Using a collage of part for this composition to represent the multiple people who ride bicycles daily. The clashing of each piece shows riding is for anybody. It gives the poster a sense of no class as it is not aiming for perfection it is rough and ready. A signifier for the working classes machine. 

    This is a slightly more ordered collage representing 

    SB1 - Dark room Introduction

    To learn how to properly use the dark room I spent the day doing an introduction. In this I learnt how to put the film into the equipment within a pitch black room. I also learnt how develop Black & white film, this involved using developer for the set period of time mine was 16mins at the correct temperature. You then use a stabiliser and rinse the rest out. I was also shown how to development a contact sheet and individual images including how the chemicals work safety precautions. I learnt how to test the exposure with a test strip. From this I could then create photograms whenever I liked. 

    SB1 - Darkroom research - Photograms

    A photogram is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. This photographic technique is an alternative way of creating cameraless photographs. The usual result is a negative shadow image that shows variations in tone that depends upon the transparency of the objects used. Areas of the paper that have received no light appear white; those exposed through transparent or semi-transparent objects appear grey. 

    Schad's new imagery was constructed by taking discarded unimportant objects and arranging them. The photograms created from these arrangements had taken on a new form and meaning not considered previously. His photograms are referred to as ‘Schadographs’. He preferred worn materials, such as scraps of paper and bits of fabric, often searching for these things on the streets and in garbage cans. Schad frequently extended his assault on artistic tradition by cutting a jagged border around the Schadographs, "to free them," as he explained, "from the convention of the square."

    Monday, 10 April 2017

    SB1 - Berly Burton - Idea

    This idea is based around women and berly burton it explores how the bicycle has been as extremly powifull tool for women to gain more freedom and indepedence. I looked at the rational clothing movement and how cycleing was driving force behind this. 

    SB1 - Simple form - Idea

    Being inspired by the form of the original bicycle which was created by john starvey. This is the orginal bike and is an incredible invention something worth celebrating. There is no better way to celebrate it than by using its form to create a poster. This concept is basic but fits the bill. The colours used are informed firstly by L'auot magazine (yellow) and secondly they are informed by the rainbow jersey. 

    SB1 - Dark Room Posters - Idea

    Feedback pointed to this being my strongest concept, However the layout and aesthetic is not quite there yet and needs alittle bit more development. My reason for this idea is because it is a very simple way to create an image which fits into the form of the bicycle. The exhibition was a photography one so it makes sense to keep it relative. Its also something I feel not many people will be exploring. Having the pieces exploring onto the page really breaks down the bicycle and allows us to appreciate the entirety of it rather than seeing it as a single unit. I want to explore more items aswell as text to see how they work together in order to find the right composition. 

    SB1 - Jersey Posters - Idea

    This idea takes inspiration from the Bicycle apparel specifically the jersey itselfs. The ideas sprouted from the rainbow jersey which Beryl burton won and would wear in her races. I liked this idea because it shows some of cycling heritage as these older jerseys are often seen as collectors items now. This would give the poster a sense of luxury however I do want to show how the bicycle is the working class everyday man & womens item which would mean no form of hiecary. As racing could be seen to be the top and not for the everyday person, leaving this idea with weaknesses in. Although Beryl burton did stand for the everyday cycleist making an effort to not have a sponsor and to contune working full time at a rhubarb farm whilst cycling, So there is still nice meaning behind the concept. All posters are created to be as simple as possible this is informed by the bicycles form. This was not my strongest idea however I felt it held enough validity to further explore. 

    SB1 - Feedback

    I got feedback from bethan, beth, ed, connor and elliot. Each added helpfull insights, mainly suggesting to experiment more with dark room techniques as this fitted best with my exhibition and allowed me to explore the meanings behind it in a suitable manner. Looking at ways to show movement and give using blur to create depth of field. Also using older racers and jerseys was not very current and risked being slightly stagnant because it is the past and this exhibition celebrated the everyday. 

    Lecture - Appropriation


    1. To question authorship and authenticity 
    2. to question what art is or can be
    3. To investigate process and making 
    4. To question the value and meaning of mass culture. 


    Using parody 


    • Hannah Hoch - Cut with knife and collaged together could be seen as inspiring punk 
    • Raoul Haussmann - ABCD 
    • Richard Pettibone (1968)
    • Elaine Sturtevant 
    • Sherrie levine - after walker evans 1979
    • Tracy Ma - Matter zine 
    • Sanaa Hamid, 2013
    • Bonnie and Clyde - God bless agyness deyne, 2011
    • Stranger and stranger - Packaging for ludlow blunt 

    Jamie reads way of communicating has been taken as the way punk is perceived atheistically. Appropriation   

    Punk is Antiestablishment, Situationists, Anarchy, Appropriation, Parody, Anti consumerism, DIY, Subculture, Youth, 

    Further Research 



    Going against the arts, anti establishment. 

    SB1 - Range of Ideas

    Yesterday I sat down and put all my thoughts on this project onto a double page spread. From that I then sketched up a my stronger ideas and then today I developed a few digitally, to give me an idea of how they would work. The problem being my strongest and most relevant idea after speaking to peers. Seems to be my first, to use dark room techniques to create a poster which celebrates the simplicity and freedom of the bicycle. My idea to use darkroom techniques is informed directly by the exhibition itself as it was primarily photography. The process itself is a very simple one using just light and shapes to create an image. This suits the form of the bicycle. However other ideas I have looked at are listed below I will go into more detail on a few on another blog post. 

    1. A range of ideas inspired by beryl burton a female cyclist who dominated women's cycling in the 60's winning seven world titles. She is mentioned a few times by boff as inspiration for there exhibition within his essay. 
    2. Jersey inspired primarily the rainbow jersey which was worn by beryl burton, The strips are ripe with meaning, eg, different paths, Olympic colours, unity. 
    3. The use of dark room techniques. (dark room)
    4. typography experimentation with words and phrases I found within boffs essay within bicyclism newspaper. (letter-press)
    5. The use of diffrent tire patterns to signify everybody's path. To celebrate all cyclists and move away from racing. (mono-print)
    6. A poster to represent the human engine a quote from bicyclism. This would be slightly abstract using shapes and a bike chain to represent a bicycles engine. (Screen print)
    7. Looking at the rational clothing movement which suggested women wore shorts to ride there bicycles an important period. (screen print)
    8. A poster using just lines to try exaggerate the simplicity of the bicycle. (mono-print)
    9. A list of names of peoples who were photographed in the poster. (typewritter) 
    10. To use the geometrics of sections of the bicycle. 
    11. Looking ay john starley as inspiration, The man who invented the bike. He called it 'the freedom machine'
    12. Inspiration from Clarion Cycle club and socalist bicycle movement that is still going on today.
    13. Inspiration from the slow bicycle movement, a movement which embraces the everyday bicyclist and encourages slow cycling as a way to appreciate whats around us as we ride. 

    Overall I tried to explore a range of diffrent techniques I could use within my designs. I feel that some of my ideas however didn't communicate the right message, they promoted the racing aspect more. I am aiming to celebrate the everyday cyclist's their journey's, bike's, memories etc. This helped me to narrow down paths to explore. I will spend some time now researching dark room techniques until it reopens on the 16th of april. 

    Thursday, 6 April 2017

    SB1 - Slow Bicycles movement

    The Slow bicycle

    First there was Slow Food and then Slow Travel, Slow Companies, Slow Planet, etc.

    The time is ripe for Slow Bicycle, so Mikael Colville-Andersen started this movement in its honour.

    We figure the Slow Bicycle Movement is all about the journey, not the destination. The destination is, invariably, a fixed geographical point which isn't going anywhere... [okay, sure, the tectonic plates are in constant movement but they are thankfully even slower than us]... so you're going to get there eventually, anyway.

    It's about riding your bicycle. To work, to play. Casually, in a relaxed manner. With time to enjoy the self-propelled movement that you and you alone generate. And, of course, to look around and see the landscape - urban or not - that you pass by at your leisurely pace.

    It's time to take cycling back and place it firmly in the category "normal way to get to work, to the shops, to the cinema". Indeed, "normal things to do". This is for those who enjoy the ride. There are a kabillion websites/forums/blogs out there for those who enjoying riding fast/competitively/in lycra and gear/what have you. THIS is OUR place.

    The Slow Bicycle Movement is a celebration of the bicycle. Not as a speed machine or a tool for tribal membership but merely as an enjoyable way to get around.

    Only decades ago the bicycle was considered a normal way to get around. It still is in Denmark, Holland, Japan and many European cities but returning the bicycle to its rightful place as a feasible transport option in the rest of the world is a noble goal.

    Of all the cyclists on the planet, the vast majority are, per definition, slow cyclists. So that's a great start.

    This is a community of people from around the world who love riding bikes. Some are young, some older. Some ride for work others for play, some for both. Some ride fast, some slow. Some wear helmets, are high-vis, use bike lanes, ride the roads, do tricks, and MANY, MANY of them will have a different opinion about many things than you do.

    This is a community where you should feel free to express your opinions. Every post should at least start off bike related, but if it veers from there, people are free to talk, BUT people are also free to ignore you.

    Everyone gets frustrated at times, and some conversations can get heated. Please feel free to unfollow the post if you do not like what is being said.

    We welcome you to our community and invite you to dive into the fun, take the bad with the good, and enjoy the wonderful bikes and biking stuff that we share.

    The Slow Bicycle Movement. Founded 2008.

    Sunday, 2 April 2017

    SB2 - (unread) Mobile and interactive media use by young children: The good, the bad and the unknown

    SB2 - Tablets and smartphones may affect social and emotional development, scientists speculate

    Something I have been thinking about more regularly is the use of mobiles to help distract from emotion. This has sparked from bits and pieces I have read but has more frequently been coming to my mind when I find myself using my phone because I'm bored or just need distracting. So I decided to look into this more and found an article which makes a few comments on it. 

    “If these devices become the predominant method to calm and distract young children, will they be able to develop their own internal mechanisms of self-regulation?” - Scientists asked. 

    “These devices may replace the hands-on activities important for the development of sensorimotor and visual-motor skills, which are important for the learning and application of maths and science,” Radesky said.
    There is evidence that well-researched early-learning television programmes, such as Sesame Street, and electronic books and learn-to-read applications on mobile devices can help vocabulary and reading comprehension, the team found, but only once children are much closer to school age.

    What I got from this article it seems that smart phones and tech devices whilst can be not great for developing minds. I think it is not a matter of switching them off but more monitoring use. Having them used for the purpose of learning and other important contributions. As these devices have such high poteintly it would be naive to think they are so bad.