Thursday, 9 February 2017

SB2 - Critical Thinking / skill & wisdom gap - Research

Because we are progressing so quickly we tend to not question what we are doing there is a lack of critical thinking, this ultimately could be human kinds biggest down fall when we come to think about climate change, transhumanism, DNA editing, Social media etc.  We have so much information around us which we take in however do we really understand what it all means?


  • Puting chemicals on our food to stop bugs - This could result in long term health effects.
  • Reposting a article we have read but not really thought about - This could really damage a faith or race.
  • Cloning food sources - What are the effects of this?
  • Getting anxious and then looking at our phones instead of addressing the anxiety.
  • Why are we posting our entire lives on social media?
  • Do we hate people because our friends do?

We are moving very fast and with a lack of wisdom Is there consequences, IT could get picked up and literally ruin someones life. we could be using it to fulfill something deep down which is missing. It could be used by others, we don't actually own what we put out there. 

How can I help solve 

By getting people to think about the future and critical think in the present.

How can I do this 
  • Show people examples of others who have not thought critically befor creating
  • Economical Materialism
  • Fake social media lives.
  • A website where everyone can see you.
  • Using snap chat religiously and recording how I feel. Writing down how watching my friends out for instance has made me feel.

What effect mentally is tech having on our lives?
Looking at how we post our entire lives on social media without ever thinking about why we are doing it?

Why do we want to see what others are doing and how does this make us feel about ourself?

Key words 
Skill & wisdom gap - Critical thinking - Mental health - Tech

 Why do we do it?

I would like to investigate into our relationship with social media and the reasons we are using applications such as snapchat. What goes through someones head befor they post. Does it give us a sense of achievement. surely this will make us fundamentally different to our older generations.

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