Monday, 7 March 2016

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 - Feedback

Crit feedback pointed out my stronger concepts. These being fun coupons, market currency and -money. I have decided to then expand on these three more.

Firstly with market currency. Feedback suggested to make it a united kingdom thing rather than a regional currency. At first I was wary but then realised this actually makes a lot of sense as it would create a economy within the markets and help building up smaller farms. This project would link into the livelihoods of farmers aswell as the take into consideration the amount of population large scale animal agriculture uses. This is due to supermarkets demanding cheaper product resulting in larger animal agriculture. 

Secondly the fun coupon idea was picked out as a strong response. I really like the idea of this one simply due to the fact I feel i can play around with it a lot. Use diffrent illustration styles, design styles etc. Taking influence from holidays and wolf of wall street. 

Lastly is the idea of dept and - money how although we have £10 likely hood is we own that back in dept, this could relate to usa dept, where the dept currency is 10% higher than the currency in cumulation or it could relate to student dept, with overdrafts and loans. For this I could combine it with my idea of being contemptry print, using as many processes as possible. 

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