Tuesday, 27 February 2018

05: 27 Club - Research


For this brief, I looked into a number of the musicians before settling on Jim Morrison, the key piece of research for this project was an article by ...... called 'The doors: the story of strange days and the madness of Jim Morrison'. This was full of inciteful information on Jim I sketched out ideas from this. 

1. First area to explore was the idea of the Doors being politicians as quoted by Morrison. “We’re really politicians” Morrison told Goldman, straight-faced. “you could call us erotic politicians.. a Doors concert is really a public meeting called by us for a special kind of dramatic discussion and entertainment” The audience, he said “go home and interact with their reality, then I get it all back by interacting with that reality”. 

2. The second area was their use of LSD and one particular moment In 1965.  ‘Morrison sang Manzarek the opening verse to the song that became Moonlight Drive, while tripping on the beach at venice, Manzarek famously “saw dollar signs”

3. The final route was when Morrison was arrested on stage. ‘Morrison became the first singer ever to be arrested by police at an actual concert performace, charged with inciting a riot, indecency and public obscenity.’ “here you can hear the birth of the lizard king but the death of Jim Morrison” 

Thursday, 15 February 2018

04: Diversity Publication - Production Developement

Initial printers were testing format. The publication worked.

After a chat with anisa she orignaly decided she would like her publication printed in ..... However after this did not come out how we had hoped I suggested we would have much more freedom and room for error in the university print room. This then adds restricts to the stock we could use however restriction alow for creativity. 

Productions Decisions for Final Product 

Binding - Saddle stitch  - red
Cover - white stock / red typeography 
Page - Thin not thick - white 
Dimensions - 125 x 210 Possible print on a4 to save money this way lots can be printed a distributed. 

The second run was in colour and played with the interviews as key information throughout. 

 Final print got rid of the interviews as it the content did not feel as strong as the images.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

04: Diversity Publication - Production Design


My initial Idea focused on repetion of colour and image this was informed from the styleing of the photography shoot. 
Each shoot was created as its own publication and would sit as three small zines. 
Very simple as the images speak for themselves 
This used a 1:3 margin ratio with a 3x6 grid. 
To keep consitency one image would always be full bleed with the oppsing image bouncing around the grid. 
This keeps the main image key but also keeps the users eyes on the page for longer as they double check the supporting image. This image would sometimes be the same or sometimes very similar. 

After pitching this to my client she was not satisfyed with the idea of repiting images so we went back to the drawing board. Eventually landing on the idea of seperating each shoot by colour.
This design follows a standard a5 dimension with a even margin and a 6x6 grid.
It focuses on the use of colour to divide each shoot, these were chosen by my client and her stylist.
I personaly felt this approach didnt really do the images justice, however this idea went to print. What we found out was that the colour did not come out amazingly and looked tacy and unprofessional. We decided to give it another go.

I suggested that a red stock or something close to this could maybe be used on the front cover with a nice saddle stitch in white, this references the coloured used within the photoshoot. 

The design used a 1:2 ratio margin with a 3x6 grid. 
Image layout was opted to usalise symatry as this was used often for the photoshoot 
A irregular sized book was used for a number of reasons, it increases the 
the images themselves fitted it perfectly with this format as nearly all were portrait 
The publication dimensions stand out as something unfamilair this is a nod to the topic dicussed. 
It terms of the user these dimentions alow for easy reading with space to hold at the bottom. 
As the client wished to have stand alone images these dimensions also alow this without there being to much space. 
This design focused on typeography as its accompanying design element 

A final thought was the mix the shoots up completly as a way to champion divsersity and go against fashion lookbook norms 

Saturday, 10 February 2018

04: Diversity Publication - Ideas & Feedback


Use of color as a section divider
Subvert fashion book selling clothes 
contrast colored photo with b&w photo 
Focus on symmetry 
Mix the photography up creating diversity by pairing models together. 

Anisa decided she wanted it kept simple with a focus on the images and names of the models.

We asked the models some questions to find out what they thought about the fashion industry this was then used to inform the publication. 

Friday, 9 February 2018

04: Diversity Publication - Research

Reading sections of Anisas Dissertation
A key focus for Anisa was the number of models she used and to put across who they were.  Bringing them to the forfront of the image focusing less on the aesthetic and more on the humanism. 

Looking at magazines which are focused on selling products me and anisa talked about how we could subvert this by focusing on the models. 

Port Yarin Jeff Hahn is a publication on diversity 

This editorial by Adidas is paying attention to the model, not the product. 

04: Diversity Publication - Photographer Collab - Brief

This project began with a chat with Anisa from photography, a brief, a inspo board and me reading through her diss. This was the basis for then genrating some ideas 


The fashion industry has been known for discriminating against models of colour for decades. An issue that has never fully been addressed and still causes problems for young, new models of today. For the practical aspect of this module, I am going to create a series of fashion style images that focus on celebrating cultural diversity. The same theme will run throughout each shoot, however a variety of models from different cultural backgrounds will be used. The final outcome will ideally be a publication showcasing 8-10 models. The intentions for these images, is not to segregate models of colour. I want to make images that bring various ethnicities together, to prove that racial discrimination within the fashion industry should not be an issue in the 21st century.

Pinterest Board 


Anisa noted that she wanted to keep the publication fresh interesting but to keep the focus on the images. 

Initial Thoughts 

An exciting project which is touching on an important topic and one that the 'client' feels passionate about. 

Thursday, 8 February 2018

03: My own brew - Brief

Out of personal intrest within cooking and baking I decided in my spare time to try my hand at brewing beer. Not going into details of the brew its self, it will be of questionable taste I want to reflect this by puting power into the users hands. Giving them a pen and some space on the bottle to fill in the blanks. This means I need to get the copy on point. 


Create a brand for a very small home brew beer company that will specalise in super small unqie runs of beer. There is alot of potential here to play with exclusivity. The beer branding does not have to stay the same throughout it can change depending on the beer in question however it must have an element which alows for a identity to build over time. 

The beers should alow for a hand touch 



After speaking to a few students and Alec himself I have reconsidered some elements of branding the beer. 

To begin with alec he supported my idea and pushed me in the direction of using ryhms as the catch for the concept. I really loved this idea and feel like that is huge potential to use this throughout the branding. I also pinned down a name for the overarching brand which would be Guffs stuff, guff being my nick name and the beer being my stuff. Guff also can be linked to the carbonation of the beer and gives room for playful icons. 

After speaking to James he informed me that at his work placement the first thing they do is pinn down the mission and aims of the brand so I decided to start with that. 

The aim 
to create a brand which can grow and mature with my own beer brewing skills.

The mission 
To bring joy to my friends and beer loving critics. 

Is provide copy which allows the drinker to response to the beer 

Additonals aims
Alec mentioned if the branding is done well it is possible to look into finding a collaborator who would brew a beer to go with it. 

I will look into existing brands 

To do
Establish the copy 
Establish a visual style

Think about photography