My initial Idea focused on repetion of colour and image this was informed from the styleing of the photography shoot.
Each shoot was created as its own publication and would sit as three small zines.
Very simple as the images speak for themselves
This used a 1:3 margin ratio with a 3x6 grid.
To keep consitency one image would always be full bleed with the oppsing image bouncing around the grid.
This keeps the main image key but also keeps the users eyes on the page for longer as they double check the supporting image. This image would sometimes be the same or sometimes very similar.
After pitching this to my client she was not satisfyed with the idea of repiting images so we went back to the drawing board. Eventually landing on the idea of seperating each shoot by colour.
This design follows a standard a5 dimension with a even margin and a 6x6 grid.
It focuses on the use of colour to divide each shoot, these were chosen by my client and her stylist.
I personaly felt this approach didnt really do the images justice, however this idea went to print. What we found out was that the colour did not come out amazingly and looked tacy and unprofessional. We decided to give it another go.
I suggested that a red stock or something close to this could maybe be used on the front cover with a nice saddle stitch in white, this references the coloured used within the photoshoot.
Image layout was opted to usalise symatry as this was used often for the photoshoot
A irregular sized book was used for a number of reasons, it increases the
the images themselves fitted it perfectly with this format as nearly all were portrait
The publication dimensions stand out as something unfamilair this is a nod to the topic dicussed.
It terms of the user these dimentions alow for easy reading with space to hold at the bottom.
As the client wished to have stand alone images these dimensions also alow this without there being to much space.
This design focused on typeography as its accompanying design element
A final thought was the mix the shoots up completly as a way to champion divsersity and go against fashion lookbook norms
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