Saturday, 31 March 2018

07: Publication Layout

After Reading grid systems I decided to use a 1:2 ratio for the margins to keep the content away from being centred. Within this grid, I can then make subtle changes to increase fluidity and intrest. 

1:2 Ratio Margins with a 3 x 6 columns 

07: Publication imagery

Vietnam, Sapa 

Peru, Cosco
Salcanty Trek


07: Publication Specifications

General Spec

Size: 185 x 265mm 
Paper: recycled Paper 

Book 1 

Location: Peru 
Date: 2015 
Trek: Machu Piku 

Book 2

Location: Vietnam, Sapa
Date: 2016
Trek: Fansipan 

Book 3

Location: Norway, Besigan 
Date: 2017
Trek: Besigan 

07: Publication inspiration

For my photo albums, I want to pick a binding that will keep the process relatively simple and fast, I think that a simple sewn binding could work really nicely similar to how Muji create they journals. im currently thinking they should have a notebook feel to them to resemble the hikes themselves, as often they are nitty and gritty but a lot of fun. Also as they will not be large books of images thin papers will be best suited. 

Other possible routes to bound however due to it being a small number of photographs I think I will avoid this. 

Taking a look at photography zines on Village the majority look put together with staples 

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

01: Charity - Scedule

After a nice catch up with Elliot over Face Time, we managed to sort out a schedule for the next few weeks.

Research and analysis 2 donation apps/websites
Research and analysis 2 of the local charities we emailed.
Look at what is good and bad about the sites, aimed to see where the disadvantages are within the systems.
This is to be done by Sunday.

On Sunday we will then recap over what we have found and research into ui

07: Photography publication

This brief is set to be a very fast turn around layout wise, however, It will focus heavily on production to produce a truly beautiful final piece.

Different Book bounds
Different papers


The brief is to create a series of books which focus on trips/hikes I have photographed over the years. I want to create a simple grid which can be used across the board to produce a consistent and easy to use.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

07: Photo Publication Idea

The concept for this publication is based around my experience from each of these trips something which is vital to them for me is writing, I do not tend to write much in day to day life. However on camping trips I will write daily to reflect on the day, The notebook also represents a journey often traveling everywhere with the indivdual. For this reason It felt like a great place to take inspiration for a series of photoalbums. I want the books to be inspired my the natural world around us, using materials such a leather maybe as the cover as well as recycled materials

Monday, 19 March 2018

01: Charity - Feedback


After speaking to alec we got some really nice and usefull feedback:

  • Could it be a mark of certification showing that the company is completely transparent. (maybe this could be the key concept) 
  • Alec uses just giving as he finds it super easy and quick to use this highlighted the importance of ui design.
  • the survey is enough research to base a research brief off of it
  • It could be beneficial to find some case studies and get a closer look at what the charitys think. 

This articles highlights the importants of trust for charitys and how transparent of funding can help. 

Research questions for the charity 

Thursday, 15 March 2018

03: My Own Brew - Guffs stuff - Ideas & feedback



Bitter feedback 

A branding which is based around the idea of giving the beer feedback to help me improve and for the user to feel more involved. 

'THIS IS ___________'

'Drank in the company of ______
in the location of _____'

'A truly ______ beer
Its elagant notes of ______
lend themselves to its name ______'

Feedback suggested the issue with this could be the lack of personality. 


Guffs stuff 

This branding is based around a nickname from home of mine which is guff. As this beer would be going out to my friends it keeps the branding personal which fits in perfectly with my target audience. 

Feedback suggested guff beer, guff man playing on the similarity to duff beer. There is lots of potential to inject your own personality into this idea. 


Limerick ale 

Again this idea plays on the interaction of the drinker with the beer. using a limerick such as 

'there once was a beer called _____
Its taste was akin to a _____
down it in one 
until it is done 
and now he feels like a ______

Limerick Responses

Responses were interesting and people seemed to enjoy them however there quite complicated to fill in and their is a possibility people may not even bother. Matt suggested maybe looking at something which could be removed from the bottle or something printed underneath the labels incase someone was to rip the label off. 


Peel able label 

looking at how the label can be interacted with so maybe it is a sticker or maybe it can be peeled off and created as a invite 

Feedback: suggested focusing more on the limitedness of this beer and its exclusivity with maybe it being 'invite only'. could you frost the glass bottle or maybe change the colour of the glass. 


Super functional 

This idea was inspired by a design where the label had been created to work with a standard dymo label maker, this alowed for super easy functionality. 


Toilet Water 

This idea was to play on the low quality of the beer by taking inspiration from bar toilet graffiti. with the witty comments being the tone of voice of the beer. and encouraging drinker to interact with the beer. 


The branding as a simple template which can be filled in to suit the beer. ]


I will take forward

Guff beer, toilet water and bitter feedback. 


Elliott: firstly Speaking to Elliott he suggeested some sort of artwork maybe using my own or collaborating with someon  But keep option to fill in the information on the back still. He said creating a basic template and guidelines allow for a consistent brand of the beer. 

Tom: Tom suggested keeping more to the filling in of information he suggested that filling in with a pen may be complicated but to get around this problem you could put a sticker grid onto the beer. I really liked this idea it has so much potential. 

James: James liked the new direction with stickers as he thought it was a very social way to use the beer can .

03: My own Brew - Guffs stuff - Research


Shower beer a beer created by a design studio in collab with a brewery this beer is fun and conceptual. 

What I love about this is the beer is created with the concept at its core. To enjoy befor going out while your getting ready, its half the size so double the strength. 

Garage Monk 

Customisable beer labels
Generic is a brand of beer labels created for homebrews to date and write about there beer. 

The brewing Family 

The beer on the right has this really nice kinda sketch book feel to it but it could almost be a piece of Japanese script or even graffiti. It feels like the influence has come from inside a pub toilet where people will write stupid quotes etc. 

This lead me to thinking about the inside of bar and pub toilets somewhere that people feel like that can write what they want on the walls. It would be interesting for the beer to have this type of feel to it something not so messy that their is no space but also not so clean that you dont want to vandalise it. Could be interesting to create a pen that goes with the beer. 

Toilet Humour 

I really like this idea of toilet humour its really quite intrestin. It feels like a great place to take inspiration from. 


After showing alec my copy and asking for some feedback is pointed me in the direction of limericks 

There once was a beer called ________
It’s taste was akin to a _________
We downed it in one
and then it was gone 
and now we feel like a ________

Slow Drowning

A brewery worker named Lee
Drowned in a vat of brewski.
I regretfully say
He’d not drowned right away;
He climbed out five time just to pee.

Ye Olde English Ale

All hail to Ye Olde English Ale;
Ye porter, ye bitter, ye pale.
With flavours that linger,
Like old Bishop’s Finger,
They ain’t for the weak or the frail.
The Monks of Manuller
Some merry old monks of Manuller,
Found life was becoming much duller.
They brewed a fine ale
In a massive big pail,
And they found their lives were much fuller.

There once was a beer called ________
It’s taste was akin to a _________
________ downed it in one 
and then it was gone 
and now we feel like a ________