Shower beer a beer created by a design studio in collab with a brewery this beer is fun and conceptual.
What I love about this is the beer is created with the concept at its core. To enjoy befor going out while your getting ready, its half the size so double the strength.
Garage Monk
Customisable beer labels
Generic is a brand of beer labels created for homebrews to date and write about there beer.
The brewing Family
The beer on the right has this really nice kinda sketch book feel to it but it could almost be a piece of Japanese script or even graffiti. It feels like the influence has come from inside a pub toilet where people will write stupid quotes etc.
This lead me to thinking about the inside of bar and pub toilets somewhere that people feel like that can write what they want on the walls. It would be interesting for the beer to have this type of feel to it something not so messy that their is no space but also not so clean that you dont want to vandalise it. Could be interesting to create a pen that goes with the beer.
Toilet Humour
I really like this idea of toilet humour its really quite intrestin. It feels like a great place to take inspiration from.
After showing alec my copy and asking for some feedback is pointed me in the direction of limericks
There once was a beer called ________
It’s taste was akin to a _________
We downed it in one
and then it was gone
and now we feel like a ________
Slow Drowning A brewery worker named Lee Drowned in a vat of brewski. I regretfully say He’d not drowned right away; He climbed out five time just to pee. |
Ye Olde English Ale All hail to Ye Olde English Ale; Ye porter, ye bitter, ye pale. With flavours that linger, Like old Bishop’s Finger, They ain’t for the weak or the frail. |
Some merry old monks of Manuller,
Found life was becoming much duller.
They brewed a fine ale
In a massive big pail,
And they found their lives were much fuller.
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