Thursday, 26 April 2018

01: Charity Script + Feedback

The development of our script 

We began by drafting one up between the two of us and then slowly refined it through feedback groups. 

Group feedback 

Group 1 

Group 2 

Story Boards 

Our initial idea was to use a mixture of stock footage and mockups, however, research into the Monzo brand showed this wouldn't fit the tone of voice. We decided to collaborate with an illustrator to create a hand drawing style. 

Final Script 

"Here at Monzo we’re changing the way people bank. Our nifty app empowers you by giving you better control over your digital finances, putting your trust back into the financial sector. But we don’t just want to stop there… We want to provide you with the tools to support your community, by giving you better access to your local charities.

We’re all about community, which is why we’re currently campaigning our new project, Change the Way You Give. With the rise of new technologies and digital banks leading the way, we feel we can create positive change through the power of giving.

We aim to build an ever-expanding database full of great charities, local to you, that are making an impact in your society. These will be represented by our Monzo Mark which helps to recognise the consistent, outstanding work they’re doing for those in need.

With almost 90% of all money now being entirely digital, we have partnered up with Square to provide charities with compact, contactless pads. These will help them fundraise without the added hassle and costs of admin. Furthering our app as an easy to use, zero cost, financial assistant for all Monzo Marked charities.

Also our new feature, Round Up Your Pound, will give you the option to give a little bit back and be a part of this community. This option will allow you to round your payment to the nearest pound, with those extra pennies going directly to your charities of choice. These proceeds will be visible on your profile, showing collectively the difference you’re making each week, championing the change our community is making, together.

Monzo - it’s time for a new type of giving."

Because our idea shifted, we recreated the storyboard. This time using pastel colors and a more illustrated approach. 

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

01: Monzo Ad Campaign


- We looked at how people currently donate to charities, due to current levels of distrust in public sectors.

- Rise of online technology - finances - Monzo

- 90% of money is data

- Charities are outsourcing their administration in some cases, costing them thousands for one operation.

- Feels outdated.

- Some charities argued they struggle with keeping up with the workloads.

Associated with Monzo (extension of). Already existing trust and value in their company with their approach to new banking. Monzo Approved Charities?

Community Contactless can be set up by any individual or charity looking to support a local cause, as a new way of fundraising. 

Paired with Square as a new, advanced means for collecting donations digitally.

- Different colour pads to signify giving. - e.g. iPhone RED. Coral coloured contactless pad?

Reduce small charity administrative costs - be the middle man between the charities and their audience/ donators. Their money can be spent more effectively as a result.

For Crit
Ask whether a research-led campaign could work also??
selected Monzo Approved charities - fits in with their exclusivity. List of chosen charities
What could work better than Monzo Approved?

Shop window displays - artists do displays based around their local charity. Temporary giving to reach a target. - raising money for a youth centre etc. Seeing in real time the change you're making.

First Script Draft

Monzo is a bank for everyone, so that's why we're setting out a new scheme called Change the way you Give. With the rise of new technologies and digital banks leading the way, we felt that we could create a bit of positive change through the power of giving.

Our world is moving at a faster speed than ever with half of transactions now being digital, it's smaller charities that will suffer from these changes if something is not done. We want to provide an accessible route for smaller charities to use in order to adapt efficiently to the world around us.

Round up your Pound will give users the option to round up their payment to the nearest pound with those extra pennies going directly to your charity(s) of choice. These proceeds will be visible on your profile, showing collectively the difference you're making each week. Championing the change our community is making together.

In a cashless society, charities need the tools to adapt to the ever-changing environment, we aim to provide that tool easily and simply. Our Monzo Mark a campaign that teams up with Square to bring to life an easier method of collecting donations. Through their easy to use contactless pads charities can use these to fundraise, collect donations or 

We're aiming to build an ever-expanding database full of great impactful charities local to your area, that are making an impact in our society! Our Monzo Mark will provide an equal playing field for all involved.

Extra Thoughts

peace of mind

(There are several ways that you can do your little bit here and there.)

Donating can often be a tiresome process with commitments that don't always feel right we want to make donating as accessible as buying an orange with our new feature.



We wanted to build up trust between our customers and their local charities

problem with subscribing (commitment - microdonations), the rise of contactless (90% worlds money is digital - digital giving), trust (seal of approval - confidence in the charities), reduce admin costs (integrating service within our existing platform).

(We noticed that the current ways of giving felt somewhat outdated and that there was time for a change.)

So simple payments can be made to help the great charities local to you. With a set target, users can see what they are helping to achieve 

(Because admin can be a long and expensive process for charities we want to provide a platform that empowers the charities unlike traditional banks giving them more insightout.)

Easily manage a small donation when they use our contactless with access to our Monzo approved charities.

We want to assist the independent, more local charities to help them manage their donations and reduce their administration costs.
- in taking full advantage of this, to enhance their everyday impact.

Introducing Monzo, Change the way you Give, aims to create a more accessible way of donating in small ways without the need for lengthy sign up processes.

(A screen that holds Monzo approved companies and information on them?)

more transparent relationship between you and charities can be achieved.

(Giving tab with have options to round up your pound from 10-99)

Monzo giving will make change shaking a thing of the past with a new scheme that can revolutionise Volunteering money collecting with 90 percent of wealth being data it makes sense to set up volunteering with square up to collect through contactless.

Lack of trust

Adapting their current financial system to track your donations.

Seeing collectively within the app the difference Monzo users are making
Encourages people to become a part of Monzo to be involved in the good that everyone's doing as a community

Sunday, 22 April 2018

01: Our aims and how these can be achieved

Notes written between me and elliot. 

Brief 1: Our aims and how these can be achieved

Establishing primary and secondary aims are important in pinpointing what aspects should take prominence over others within the app. But also to help us better understand how the platform can start to take shape, with what features will facilitate these aims.

Primary Aims:

- Transparency (about the inner workings)
     + Knowing where the money is going
     + Being clear about why the money is being spent (direct to charity, advertising,                      marketing, staff costs)
     + Inciting trust in the organisation through same way AirBnB, Uber etc. You trust the               brand enough that you ultimately trust the individuals that work for said company. In            our case, you trust the platform enough to trust the individual charities within that.               (Ties into certification badge point below)

- Empower the donator
     + Making the giving process more efficient and easier
     + Allowing donator to adjust amounts according (to who/ how much/ when)
     + Option of microdonation (allows a bigger demographic of the public to do good & get          involved)
     + Not just money donations - possibility for fundraising for one specific/ multiple                     charities (group/ community fundraising etc.) or lending skills.

- Create a level playing field for local charities
     + Giving local, smaller independent charities a bigger voice for their actions/ concerns
     + Certification badge (from the platform) to authenticate the charity - to inspire confidence in the public.

Secondary Aims:

- Facilitate discussion
     + Create a two-way stream between people and charities within the platform - sparking           conversations, ideas, events etc.
     + Social feed that combines good things being done, new issues to be tackled,                       conversations regarding setting up fundraising groups etc.

- Champion the good that the charities are doing
     + Not always is shown the good that charities do, instead just the problem (e.g. ads               about starving children in Africa)

- Reduce administration (and ultimately cost)
     + Money is often spent on third party administration (e.g. phone calls - see Autism                   phone call blog)

How can we achieve these through our platform?


Showing where your money is going by seeing a short breakdown of the donations being split up into it's division however which way the individual charities decide to spend the money.

E.g. £20 donation

70% of the donation goes directly to cause.
- Helps provide a family with a support worker for several hours

30% goes advertising, marketing, staff costs etc.
- Creating a new campaign to encourage people to donate.
- Wages

In doing so, this can hopefully educate the public in understanding where their money actually goes, giving them more confidence that these charities are doing their part properly.

Empower the Donator

- Toggles so that the user can adjust their donation amounts accordingly, whenever they feel fit. Giving them full control over their giving, as after all it is their money.
- Making giving a matter of clicks away as opposed to a lengthy sign up process per charity. Input details once and from then on, it's only 2\3 clicks from donating to other new charities.
- Not everyone can always afford the bigger, more costly donations, so there is an element of microdonation that allows users to get involved and do good by donating smaller amounts here and there.
- Fundraising possibilities that will mean people can organise events and contribute to a cause(s) without having to donate just money.

Create a level playing field for local charities

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

10: Sip - Coffee - Values & Ideas


- Community/ Service 
     + Personalised cups 
     + Names 

- High Quality 
    + Locally Roasted Coffee 
    + Premium Machines
    + Knowledge of product (Ask us anything) 

- Honest / Trust 
    + Ethical in its approach
    + Carefully selected Fair Trade Coffee  



A visual identity which is created from the elongation of each letter. This is informed by the original aim of the client, to fill his very large store sign. But can also be a visual representation of the long sip taken or the speed at which the coffee is drank. This typeface based identity would transfer over the sign, packaging such as cups, bags, porridge containers. 


Copy Based 

This idea is more based on the use of copy and is organized modularly through geometry. Sip would be always accompanied by an accompanying word such as 'locally' 'artisan' 'proper'. This would be shown through a interchangeable sign that allows you to change letters, say every month. How this could be complicated, expensive and confusing for the consumer. Although Sip locally, for example, could be used on cups. This theme could be applied to the menu Sip a Cappucino, Sip an americano and then to the consumer themselves (name) sips (coffee). Sip (image) could also be an option, allowing the identity room to breath and grow is important in today's world 


Secondary ideas 

Coffee as an art form 

This idea emphasizes the skill of pauls baristas, With phrases being used such as sip 'art' or sip 'an art lives here'. Baristas could be themed as artists with the interior taking influence from exhibitions. 

kermit the frog gif, 'but thats none of my business' This idea piggybacks of the kermin the frog but thats none of my business meme. It was informed by my clients keeness to get his message of 'Fuck off the big chains' Across in a more subtle and approachable way. The frog could be used as the icon and tags such as 'Drinking from the chains but thats none of my business' This could work on some pakcaging. Problems with this is my clients age reflects something less youth based and also memes can look tacky not premium. 

Everything in threes
S.I.p, simple ingredients perfects, three steps to order, three steps to tag line. 

Notable lines of copy 

Every sip is as good as your thirst. 
same sip different day 
craft done fast
seal of sippin 
sip, sip, sippin  

07: Hiking publication - Production Development

Stage one 

Test Print one

Feedback - Elliot, George, Erin 

Key insights 

Erin - 'The book begins as you pick it up, from start to finish this means use colours which reflect your images, to prevent confusion' 

George - 'For the binding I would recommend hand sawn as this is a personal project which is important to you, a hand approach feels much more relevant and personal. whereas staples feel temporary' 

Elliot - 'To me your pages feel empty and slightly unstructured, I would look into how you could bring the idea of a diary throughout the book. The type then can be used to create a strong structure running throughout.  

My own insights 

Wrap around images could be used to represent the transition of days. 

Size should be a5 to reflect diary concept

Some images need editing 

All images should be aligned from the top

Images need a new order. 

First test was in B&W it showed me the format was to big if I wanted to give it the feels of a journal. 

Second attempt was in colour this worked really nicely but was slight to big for the leather bound case. 

A final print was the correct size however it felt slightly small. 

Sunday, 15 April 2018

01: chairty - Will De Groot - Interview


While working at thte elphant room me and elliot spent some time with Will who is cultural stratigist at the elephant room. He gave us alot of articles to read and his own personal insight on the topic. 

Recommended Article 

Key points 

 Airbnb, Etsy, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, Blockchain

The impact of this project made me have some thoughts on how our platform could create identities for people to rally behind. For example if you had 5 charities and 100 people who all were supporting a particular disease. Could our platform organise them all together and then constantly feedback whats happening within this community.

Wills Article

They want to know esactly where there money is going and what impact it is having.  

Sunday, 8 April 2018

01: Charity - Research - Ui/Ux

The use of motion in this website is to create a more intresting user experience, the designer suggests that this expeirence keeps users on the website.

Apple give is a concept which uses micro donations as its selling point, Something which could become particularly usefull within 

War on cancer takes a new approach to raising money for charity in the terms of Ux it engages users through a game. using this format to raise money is a new and intresting route, by combinding new formats we can innovate to help. may there is need for a new social media.
As a ui case stufy BookJane is a really nice one to anaylis as it is beautifully made, It feels like a huge amount of time has gone into the design with each decision made for optimal user experience.