Primary research was conducted to quickly pin down a interesting artist by emailing a close peer who works within the music industry.
Jim Morrison ‘Check out ‘The Doors: the story of Strange Days and the madness of Jim Morrison’.
The key article was analysed extensively to look for ideas and routes that could be explored, these are explained in more detail within the blog.
1. First area to explore was the idea of the Doors being politicians as quoted by Morrison. “We’re really politicians” Morrison told Goldman, straight-faced. “you could call us erotic politicians.. a Doors concert is really a public meeting called by us for a special kind of dramatic discussion and entertainment” The audience, he said “go home and interact with their reality, then I get it all back by interacting with that reality”.
2. The second area was their use of LSD and one particular moment In 1965. ‘Morrison sang Manzarek the opening verse to the song that became Moonlight Drive, while tripping on the beach at venice, Manzarek famously “saw dollar signs”
3. The final route was when Morrison was arrested on stage. ‘Morrison became the first singer ever to be arrested by police at an actual concert performace, charged with inciting a riot, indecency and public obscenity.’ “here you can hear the birth of the lizard king but the death of Jim Morrison”
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