Tuesday, 17 April 2018

07: Hiking publication - Production Development

Stage one 

Test Print one

Feedback - Elliot, George, Erin 

Key insights 

Erin - 'The book begins as you pick it up, from start to finish this means use colours which reflect your images, to prevent confusion' 

George - 'For the binding I would recommend hand sawn as this is a personal project which is important to you, a hand approach feels much more relevant and personal. whereas staples feel temporary' 

Elliot - 'To me your pages feel empty and slightly unstructured, I would look into how you could bring the idea of a diary throughout the book. The type then can be used to create a strong structure running throughout.  

My own insights 

Wrap around images could be used to represent the transition of days. 

Size should be a5 to reflect diary concept

Some images need editing 

All images should be aligned from the top

Images need a new order. 

First test was in B&W it showed me the format was to big if I wanted to give it the feels of a journal. 

Second attempt was in colour this worked really nicely but was slight to big for the leather bound case. 

A final print was the correct size however it felt slightly small. 

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