Monday, 2 April 2018

01: Charity - Research - Stage 2

Just Giving Case study 

Instantly I am welcomed with a slogan and button that suggests the main function of this website

As I scroll I am shown what is currently going on now in real time with super easy information to quickly read. Further down are the options to reduce what I am seeing generally to something more specific. 

Now I have a pretty baseline idea of what this website is used for, as I scroll some more I am given some additional info on how I could fundraising myself. This is a nice bit of information which may help spark some ideas in users.

Further scrolling takes me to a section which informs me of a community and I can see some first-hand comments from people that have funraised successful. This is a very good feature and has reduced any doubts I may have had about this website. 

Finally, the scroll to the bottom does a full loop and now I am further informed and may decide to now start fundraising. 

Exploring Funraising was interesting because they have recently put crowdfunding into the mix with 'my own cause' this shows a shift away from charitable giving maybe this is because people have a better idea of where their money is actually going by helping people. 

Just giving make the process as simple as possible you can start a crowdfunding page in 4 steps which is pretty incredible. 

Donate seems to be the second most important feature on this website. Once on the section where donating is possible, sharing seems to also be a super important aspect of the process. 

Easy to find information on what the fundraising is, super simple ui layout with large type. 

A section specifically for sharin, I wonder how this could be pushed further when thinking about the future? Updates can also be easily checked. 

Comments, this feels like a standard must have to build community, this, in particular, is a facebook plug in. 

Then you have similar storys 


Very simple to use 
Very quick to set up accounts/donate/funraise 
lots of opportunitys to share or comment using facebook
They have incorporated crowd funding 

Not always the best looking ui design 
could take advantage of more social media than just facebook 
Not much information on charities,
Minimal information on where money is going
Costs money 

Go Fund Me 

Starting a fund me page is extremly quick 
little amount of steps 
Little information however
The platform mentions trust often 

Donation Pages  

This followed a similar structure to just giving with, photo, information, donations, comments. 

However it was very difficult to actualy find campaigns people had set up 

There also seems to be alot of companys doing crowdfunding 


Very fast steps to getting up a fundme page 
Easy to follow home page 
Support and info on how to create the most effective campaign 
100% free 


Very difficult to find information on what is going on 
No information on charitys themselves 
So many companys doing the same service

The Gaurdian reports small organisations which make up a significant part of the third sector are the slowest at responding to online donating. 

Un wolrd food programe set up an indepdent app for a cause, but also uses small payments to encourage higher volumes of donating. This is a tactic i have read about befor, used often by podcasts. 

Oxfam have jumped on the tech wave by making the most of applications and data banks at festivals. Using personal images to create a more meaningfull connection with donators.

My Oxfam 

Oxfam has a 'Impact timeline' this is a real interesting element to add to the application
Flexibility and control is an important aspect of the app. 
Controls and ui Are super effective and easy to use
Quick account creation

Share the meal 

After reading about this application, I was able to download, log in with facebook, read abit about who I was donating to and then donate a very small amount to help feed someone. The simplicity of this app really is incredible and the very low amount you can start on makes it super easy to get on board and could lead to longer term investment. This app is also create super personal giving by pairing you with a family every month. The app uses community and news as its secondary options. 

A very intresting and inspiring talk which highlighted some of the key issues with charitys of today. Our ways of thinking about how a charity should run is resulting in small growth. Their is a need for marketing and advertising. 

My thoughts after this research 

Our aim should be to push online charitys further than just donations
Could it be a service which provides a platform for creativtes to produce advertising, marketing and Ideas for charitys? 
Transparety should be a key focus 
How do we get more people to fundraise? 

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