Wednesday, 4 April 2018

03: My Own Brew - Production Development

First I tested two different typefaces, sporting and young serif. Young serif suited the branding a lot better. This stock was actually to thick, so I used a thinner one next. labels originally were also stuck down with double-sided tape. There was no stickers on these mock ups. 

 Next time around I printed a number of character stickers to use. I also glued the labels on with milk this time, which works as a very light adhesive and allows for the labels to be removed if needed. Stickers are left to be pulled off. Stickers are also made less sticky by fluffing them up. However, I still had the issue of the sticker pulling ink off of the paper.

I think next time to solve some issues I would have to get rid of the text underneath and just use the stickers as the labels. 

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