Monday, 12 October 2015

OUGD403 - Studio Task & Lecture - Kern down

Kerning is something I did not think about much before this lecture and task. Here are some examples shown to use within the lecture. I did not realise how big a role kerning plays in design, It is something i will defiantly be paying for attention to within my design as originally I just presumed all software such as photoshop would automatically have it perfectly kerned however this is not the case and now after this i have been noticing much more. I found this lecture very helpful for the simple fact it has thaught to keep an eye out for these things helping me evolve as a designer and increasing my design skills.

Today in the studio we played kern down to help increase our kerning skill. We started by having to pick 5 letters then arranging them letters to make a word we could use for 3 different company's then using only kerning to differentiate them. we took 2 vouls and 3 costinants and got k, o, t, m, e from this we made the word toke. We then used this for a night club as you can see below

Then a e-cigarette shop.

The. Finally a joke shop.

Overall I was pretty happy with these. However the nightclub toke for me is to spaced out the kerning could be a inch or so closer, and also the kerning for the e - cigarette shop is slightly off as the t is to close to the o and the k is a tad to far over.

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