Monday, 19 October 2015

OUGD403 - Whitney Museum Rebrand

My first impressions of the branding was initially lack of depth and confusion however after looking into the reasoning behind the design decision i realised its actually very adept and innovative. on the other hand I think the audience should be able to spot this immediately without researching, but then countering this point the zig-zag also looks like the architecture its self as its a museum your only going to look at this if your visiting so in perspective it doesn't have to make sense until you see it as long as it makes sense when put into context which I believe it does.
The minimalism of it makes it a very flexible logo which can be adapted to fit into lots of different contexts. This is because it can be used in negative space simply yet effectively, having the whitney static in the top left corner gives it a sense of stability and depth helping consumers recognise it. I think this is a innovative way to use space and gives it recognisable aspects.

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