Friday, 23 October 2015

OUGD403 - Studio Brief 1 - Feedback Reflection

These are what i presented at my final critique, I had them printed off and layed out for students to look over. My questions for people where as followed. 

Which design do you think is the most informed and why?

Do you think using the old colour scheme works and why?

Do you think the design represent an international coffee shop both in context and out of context?

Is there aspects of the design you believe do not work and why?

Do my designs convey a corporate message of Proffestionalism whilst being subtly friendly and engaging?

Here was the responses and my thoughts on them. 


Do you think using the old colour scheme works and why? 

"By using the original colour scheme you have kept the equity this is key as costa is reasonably well established and worldwide."

"Same colour scheme doesn't contun viewers and still accortest with original brand. 

"Yes the colour scheme looks sleek and stylish"

"Stick to original colour scheme"

"Yes, definitely it stays intergras to costas original equity. Keeping the colour scheme allows for new logos to portray costa coffee as its always been whilst modernising the logo." 

"colour scheme subtle and clean"

"The colour scheme works well with your new logo. The maroon colour is recognised with the brand already therefor i think its effective to keep the same colour scheme. Although, possibly look into why they chose the colour - meaning?" 

I was pleased to see positive feedback on the question as i was worried reusing the old colour scheme would come across lazy. Although my reasoning was because i did not want to stray to far from the original brand as they are recognised world wide and successful to completely rebrand could cause problems. It was nice to see two individual felt it kept Costa's original equity this is something i was defiantly striving to achieve within my rebrand. I liked how one mentions to look into why costa chose these colours as this is not something that i had considered and would make for good research and design decision. 


Do you think the design represent an international coffee shop both in context and out of context?

"If i saw the logo on its own i don't think it'd be representative of a coffee shop; however when paired with the colour scheme the link to a coffee shop is clear."

"would work on coasters and packaging" 

"Yes all logo's work for a coffee shop apart from number 2 as it has no coffee references" 

Feed back here shows that the use of original colour scheme works wells because it helps consumers draw connotations to coffee and costa just from colour. Which i was pleased about because i was worried that some of these logos did not represent a coffee shop well enough on there own and out of context but with he colour scheme to help represent it makes the logo's stand for what I'm trying to achieve. I received less feedback points for this as not all questions where answered by some people for whatever reason. 


Is there aspects of the design you believe do not work and why?

"Number 3 doesn't work as it looks like comedy central logo, and is to simple saying nothing about the company could be anything"

"Number 3 doesn't work because it looks like the copyright symbol" 

"3 looks like comedy central, and plain is boring" 

"I would say logo 2 doesn't work as well simply because the text itself doesn't portray a coffee shop although in context it does do." 

"I don't think the c logo works as it is very similar to comedy central logo - also wouldn't know it is costa." 

From this feedback i learnt that Logo 2 did not work as well because it did not convey a strong image of costa or a coffee shop in general. feedback suggested it resembled comedy central, this was not intended i was trying to resemble a coffee stain and with costas c in the centre. Feedback from john however was that logo 2 was his favourite as it was simple and could be used in a large amount of places although he did also agree it didn't represent costa well enough without some kind of text. This feedback surgested that i could use this logo as an extension to the brand maybe as a logotype symbol maybe taking out the c and just having the coffee stain. 


Which design do you think is the most informed and why?

" My favourite design is 1"

"logo 1 simply because the style of it feels appropriate to costa"

"The most inform design is 1, bold clear and unique."

"1, Typeface says a lot about company and is soiled"

"I believe the boxed one which, the logo type as a whole works well and i recon it would be well applied on had printed cups." 

From this feedback I learnt 1 was most favoured and informed This is also happened to be my chosen final logo which help confirm I made the right decision when choosing. Overall i personally do not think this questions was specially that helpful and next time i will chose more wisely with my questions. 


Do my designs convey a corporate message of Proffestionalism whilst being subtly friendly and engaging?

"Yes they look very friendly especial 5 as the stamp look make it feel handmade"

"I think the 1st logo is great because it has character. It is easily legible, bold and defiantly friendly/engaging." 

As this was the last question on the list it seems many people did not answer it however this suggests maybe my questions were not very interesting and hard to answer so in a way this was helpful as i can reflect on this next time around. I did receive some helpful feedback however about the feel of hand made this was an effect i was really trying to put across with the effect of a stamp whilst trying to not stray to far from the corporate side of things as costa is such a large company.


Overall thoughts on the Critique, My thoughts on this was defiantly for me to create more in-depth questions next time as I was asking questions which wouldn't really help at the final stages. Eg I asked which is the favourite, which i later realised didn't make much of a diffrents because the project is finished a better questions to ask would of been something like "Which elements of the logotype stand out to you the most and why?" This would of helped me talk about specific parts of the logo and reflect on what works and doesn't. However this is my first final Critque and next time i will be better prepared as far as the Questions go. Another thing i noticed about the Critique was i didn't actually get much critical feedback a lot was just positive, i believe this is due to use still being quite early on in the year people do not won't to cause offence maybe but for me i found this problimatic because it suggested that a lot of my designs were perfect which is a matter of fact there was not and there would of been elements that people could of picked out helping me learn next time, on the other hand this could still be my fault and a better set of questions could help overcome this. I also aimed questions at all of my designs as i thought this was what was needed but i think a large amount of students had a chosen logo this was a mistake as the brief did not make it clear a chosen logo was needed in future i will double check things i am unsure on before the crib. My last thoughts are all in all i believe it went well as I learnt a lot from these beginning critiques meaning the same mistakes will not be made again helping me develop my design. 


Johns feedback to be added

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