Friday, 23 October 2015

OUGD403 - Studio Brief 1 - Final Outcome & evaluation

I used sketches to begin this project however I did not spend enough time doing so. I then moved onto digital this made it easier to alter work as I can save it can come back to it. Although it meant i did waste lots of time as I would spend hours changing things. Whereas if id of worked more from the book created a Idea and then moved on I would be making more informed discussions and now what my aim was to create. I Learnt a lot from this Brief to start next time I will create my clearer aims and objectives as half way through the project I struggle with what to do as I had no clear aims. I would also not rush the research stage as much because I rushed into picking my rebrand which did turn out okay in the end but when looking into them i realised that there was not much fault in the brand apart from recent bad press. This made it quite hard looking for ways to improve the brand and when looking for justifications to make certain changes.from a friend i saw he had drawn a large amount of big sketches up after speaking to him about it i decided i will use this technique in my next project and not rush into digital. I learn to not rush into an idea, to take more time with it. I will take this on board when moving onto the next brief by taking more time in the research stages. improvements would be to create clearer aim, this would help me to create a piece with more depth and making informed decisions rather doing things to make it look more aesthetically pleasing. Pros would be I think my logo did add a contemporary element to the costa branding while not straying to far from what they are as a brand and retaining key elements such as the colour scheme.

From my final 5 logo types I picked 1 as my main for the re brand and to put into context. This was because I felt it had the most character and resembled my aims best. Although I created each logo with adaptability in mind, these could then be used on multiply surfaces such as applications. Putting this logo into context I choose a few surfaces. The first being within a chemex coffee filter  This was because i really wanted to express the idea of high quality and a more back to basics approach. With the idea to try reconnect with costumers because when brand get to the size of Costa sometime this is lost as they are working on such a larger scale. The chemex is renowned for making great coffee, Its also aesthetically pleasing. These are my reason for choosing to use it within an advert. Next i wanted to show the logo on paper cups  The idea is to have the logo stamped onto the cups. So I tried to recreate that effect however the colour scheme on the cup does not fit how I would like it, Ideally it would be the Costa red as seen in. For my last approach I wanted to create something which related back to the people without highlying coffee to much within the image. I used a more subtle approach with the coffee in almost full focus but with other object surrounding to give a more broader view on coffee.

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