Today we was show more on colour theory from this lecture i learnt that monochromatic colour schemes work in a harmonious way meaning they are less problimatic than chromatic colour scheme this is because they are of a single hue and only change in tone. I also learn the proportion of colour when one colour is much more vibrant that the over can change the effect of the image on the eye. Having a smaller proportion of the more dominant colour evens out the image. Warm and cool colours juxstipostioned can also create well contrasted pieces. For me however the most interesting thing I took from this lecture was how colours take a slightly different tone when boundaries between colours perceptually vibrate. I found this fascinating and is defiantly something I will be experimenting with at some point.
We was then set a study task this was to create a three piece colour scheme for a children's book. we had to use our least favourite colour, black and another colour of our choice. The idea behind mine was to use colours of the different tones to create a more harmonious piece.
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