Sunday, 15 November 2015

OUGD403 - Studio Brief 2 - Brief thoughts

For this brief we had to create a font ‘Based on one of Müeller-Brockmanns classic and lead typefaces, create your own bespoke typeface, which should effectively communicate your given adjective.’ This was a challenging brief as I have never created a typeface before. I was pleased to have an adjective, this helped give the project a theme, keeping me on track preventing me from veering off half way through. Finding link to my adjective ‘angry’ without going down an obvious route was challenging. What helped me by pass this was my first feedback critique, which lead to thinking of what makes people angry rather than going head first with the more accessible meanings. I learnt a lot about typefaces which I did not know before. Such as how much actual thought and time goes into some typefaces and its the little things which make the typeface unique. So for this brief I wanted to create a type face which would help students with dyslexia read with a little bit more ease. From personal experience I find it a struggle to read out loud words begin to muddle, blur and I pronounce things wrong. So one way for it to be used would be within presentation work. Another would be essay writing to help speed up proof checking. To be used in tests and exams e.g. GCSE’s, A Levels etc. This was something I also struggled with because I would read things wrong, this would mean Id lose time rereading or even answering questions incorrectly. For this reason I chose the font Univers as it is used for tests and exams through the UK. If I was to extend the project I would consider created a bold capitals format which could be used in advertising.  I want my font clear and rounded, with a good set of rules throughout to keep some layer of consistence whilst still trying to keep every letter very individual to help people differentiate between letters as one of the main issues is letters being jumbled up, mirror and seen as similar looking letters. 

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