Tuesday, 10 November 2015

OUGD403 - Study Brief 2 : Feed back

Week 1: Feedback 

For my first feed back we sat and discussed current ideas and where I could take them, or if someone had a new idea for me. For this I just noted down everything which was said. Firstly I asked what came to mind when they heard the word angry, some responses I got back where, Heated, Furious, Enraged, Biter, Annoyed etc. Next we discussed Ideas some which I looked into was Protest Boards, Warning signs, looking into people when they are angry. I also got the quote "The font that doesn't want to be a font" which I really liked the ring of. 


Week 2: Feedback 

So moving on from my last bits of Feed back I had an idea from looking into what makes people angry. I thought of myself for this one, something that came to mind was reading with dyslexia it can be a struggle and irritating. So research lead me to the idea of creating a font which could help with this. Here was my two ideas. Feed back i got was relatively possitive it suggested maybe influence i took from channel four was to strong and close to ripping them off so I stepped back from this idea for the moment until I thought of another way to diffentrate the b, d, p and q. Other feedback was too look into a reason for using the font such as advertising or essay writing. As most people reading essay's would be professional I started to lean more towards advertising. 

Final Crit 3:

My 5 questions in my final critique were, Does my manifesto represent my typeface appropriately? A few agreed that the manifesto represented the typeface well, So I decided to keep it how it was. Could you see this helping in a GCSE exam? People struggled to answer this as I had not put it into context properly however someone suggested it would because of the subtle differences in each character this is something i was aiming to achieve. `Do letter forms seem more individual than your standard San-serif? One said they have a unique style which make them stand out this is good and means I am on the right track with the typeface. Can you read this with ease? Feed back showed as the font was not on a body of text people could not really test this out. For my final outcome I have Put it into context on a English GCSE. However they did agree that b, q, d, p were more identifiable with the alterations I had made. How do you think the typeface could be improved? Feed back pointed out my t & f was similar To respond to this I increased the slighting on t.

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