Monday, 30 November 2015

OUGD404 - Studio Breif 1 - Looking into the core further

For this Brief i have chosen the core a shopping centre in leeds which I found particularly hard to navigate there use of multiply fonts ones of which lack legibility and understanding made it a feasible chose. I will research into health, what it means to be health, how a healthy person would navigate etc.

Here they are using three separate fonts I do not think this is nessary it does not show consistency and becomes confusing as one of the typefaces is particularly slim maybe this is to fit into the concept of it being the core which has connotations to health however I think this is a bad and naive way to show health if this is the case as health does not relate to size. The same thing could be done through the use of colours, scale and positioning. I feel like not much thought has gone into the icons and a much more effect and creative way of laying them out could be done. The white boxes create a bad contrast against the green with poor consideration to white space as there is just a chunk in the middle missing. 

The use of floor labelling is clever however again its a different typeface from the rest. The use of a sticker makes this look very cheap as stickers peel and become dirty quickly other methods such painting could be much more effective. 
These I really liked aseptically wise however to begin they do not fit in with the brand in the slightest, I have not got a clue when the idea to stick huge silver symbols on the wall came from but there was defiantly no thought process behind this apart from 'They look nice' also something i would criticise is how the baby changing and disabled symbols are considerable smaller, some may take this as they are less important and thirdly i haven't got a clue what the three lines are above the third disabled icon. 
This whole way finding system just seems to be in complete anarchy, no consistency, near to no link to the branding. The core is something strong something i would link to health, ambition, life. These icons should be full of life but instead they are dull and motionless. 

To start I want to look into health as this centre hosts a range of fitness outlets such as The Gym and buckram yoga soon to open. I would also like to simplify the way finding, but sticking to one font throughout. 

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."  This was a famous definition of health created in 1946, new york. It shows health is more than just physical appearance. Its a range of factors I want to incorporate all of these factors within my way finding. 

Info taken from (

After researching into methods and strategies there was a lot of information suggesting to examine the area including a letur we had today by a member of staff from pete & peter design studio in shefield. They highlighted that there is a need to study audience, who I would be creating for so I revisited my location taking a closer look at who came in and out. A large proportion of the centre was useing the gym a feature at the very top which isnt actually made obvious that its there. Alot of this audience come around 5 however the gym is open 24 hours a day. Other popular shops where burgerking, yogurt and creams. These are a few of the food outlets inside. Looking at the space its self i noticed there is lots of white space, information seems to be placed in bad positions making it difficult for people to notice.

The cores logo uses 3 primary colours green, blue and red however they are a slightly lighter hue than normal. This does work well as there is 3 levels which helps however the levels are not very big and are not extremly complicated to manuver. 3 colours seems rather overbearing and slightly complicated for a small area.  The map of the area is also very complex with lots of unesaary info writen down, the clours are also not used in this. A colour scheme in this would be helpfull also as it would help show the different levels. Plant pots although nothing is really wrong they look horrendous they are a horrible green, This is just a personal aestic disliking however.

The core seems to be catering for a younger audience with there selfie corner and use of vibrant colours, The pictograms for the toilets as shown below also resemble children however I did not find that this centre tended to a hugely young audience quick the opposite with food shops such as cream a luxury cake shop which didn't seem to fit at all although is a very grand outlet. Realistically I really do not see anybody using the selfie corner and is just an example of a tend which has just been picked up on but not actually thought about.

I really liked there use of posters however I would like to use them in a new way. 

There pictograms used within this boards mean nothing as they are not explained they are just used next to stores. The colours also make legibly bad as they do not contrast well. It feels like they have aimed this at a younger audience however it seems a more older audience use the facilities inside from spectating. Id say it caters to healthy people through the gym and yoga however also to people wanting to eat fast food these people do not tend to past the first floor. There is also poles all around which could be used for information or decor. There could so be information placed on the floors. 


This space had a big plazama on the wall however I felt there was really no need for it there, It was not being used ether. This could be sold or ether put in another location. The food wall space is very over crowded, The images do not resemble what is sold there at all ether. 

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