Tuesday, 1 December 2015

404 - Study task 6 - What is a book

The first publication I looked at was Boat a independent magazine about travel and culture. The independent magazines are a good example of brilliant design stretching from layout to photography. They use a variety of different layouts throughout to keep thing interesting but do so in a manner which does not disrupt the flow of the magazine. Images fill up entire two pages spread, one page spreads and a page an a half. White space is also used throughout to give a more luxurious feel to the mag as well great stocks which change throughout, a mix of both matt and glossy stocks are used. The paragraphs are all set to justified in around 10 points san-serif typeface. something Which i love it how well the paragraphs have been set always lining up with images or fitting in the perfect location this must be a very time consuming task yet it pays off at the end.

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