Trinity leeds shopping centre.
The shopping centre within leeds used colour coding as it is such large outlet, this helps customers know which level they are at and what can be found at this level. Something which they use that The Core do not are signs on the ceiling with directions to different floors as well as out to the street. The pictograms are basic and easy to understand showcasing which each floor has, the typeface is easy to read lower case for the facilities and capitals for the floor its self the point size is not to big nor to small allowing legibility from a reasonable distant. From the case study I learn sizes are shaped to fit the trinity logo and colour coding is used due to the centre being on a slant.
Westfield sydney wayfindin and signage by buronorth
I decided To get a real understanding of how to create a successful way finding system within retail i needed to look at some of the biggest and best shopping centres around the world, I will be looking at westfeild sydney, westfeild london and dubais mall.
Way finding and signage system for westfeilds flaship store in Sydney winner of a 2011 melbourne design award. The development is one of sydneys premier retail desistnation, it caters for over 21 million shoppers each year. Challenges Buro North faced was to develop a way finding system that would predict the movement of shoppers within the space, Seven levels of retail with bridge and tunnel connections created further challenges, pedestrian traffic also has to be considered. To get around this they used established principles for pedestrian movement, proximity of transport node and extensive side audits, they developed a anticipated pedestrian load model for appropriate signage. This was combined with shopper behavioural data helping to develop a clear indication of activity at each level. This shows that a large amount of research and data has been put into this system however as The Core is much smaller I could collect much of this data myself. I will look into principles for pedestrian traffic to create a system which prevent overcrowding. All entrances are taken into consideration with this project something i have not thought about doing I will be looking into other directions into The Core. The design solution for the system has taken influence from the John Wardle Architects designed facade and the wonder wall japan designed interiors. A palette of white on white as been used to creat a neutral, sophisticated look. All signs and interactive kiosks are thin and delicate with bright leds on white backdrops, illuminated to give the correct contrast ratio. Materials were localy sourced by having super thin signage they manage to save materials while still fitting the environments seamlessly. The Core as much smaller would be on a much lower budget so the technology such a interactive kiosk would be out the questions however the consideration of materials will be taken into consideration, I would like to use sustainable materials to fit the brands good ethics also local sourced. Buro North produced a interpretive heritage solution for the centre also this included embedded quotes within the floor and information along the walls. A nice idea which would be added to my project something to get people interacting with the mall itself rather than just the shops inside.
Westfield in London way finding solution created by PearsonLloyd, the project included the creation of orientation signage, digital information hubs, concierge desks and advertising spaces. The project seems to focus around technology and the use of innovative materials, corona is used across the product range to develop a light, fluid visual language that complemented the surrounding landscape of the shopping centre. The Core will need a material which will not cost large amounts but is still of a high quality sustainable material is the direction I would like to go. This is a great example of how materials can be used to communicate and accommodate essential elements of the centre.The sculptural forms have been to used cater to all shoppers, including those with mobility and visual impairments. This has been achieved through having screens at various heights. This shows every consumer has ben considered within the system included people who would struggle with such system originally. This is something I will need to take into consideration when designing for The Core, The lift there will be used mainly by people who would struggle to get up the escalators, considering height of information in areas such as this could be crutional to created a environment which will cater to all shoppers. The centre also has a well created advertisement section this is something The Core could do with currently adverts are posters along the walls. They lack impact for such a small centre advertisement is important for additional revenue helping grown.
And then there is the dubber mall, which offers 14,000 parking spots, It is one of the largest shopping malls in the world. With 54 million visitors in 2011. The mall had be experiencing continual problems with it three parking garages. Two Twelve using innovation to create an effective and versatile signage system for the three separate garages. They used a colour scheme which was implemented by birhgly painted signage on the car park walls. The use of clear large pictograms identify levels is also being used by A logical, alphanumeric system identifies the parking lot’s support columns to serve as orientation devices for visitors. This solutions resulted in a decrease of parking complaints, from 35 a day to 3 a week. The use of colour coding is very clear within this way finding solution It helps to show a diffrent between each garage which allows customers to understand where they are more clearly. The numbers also very clear with arrows directing customers in the right direction. I will take colour coding ideas from this system and introduce them into my own.
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