This was a complicated project for me. When trying to come up with an idea for this I really wanted to have the research behind me. This research helped me to consider materials with more importance. In my final resolution materials played a huge role, I decided to use bamboo plywood this was to create a sustainable way finding system throughout the centre. This is to appeal to the target audience whilst attracting a larger audience as this gives The Core brand a good reputation for good ethics. It also fitted into the interior well which from inspection had a large amount of wooden sections as spoke about previously adding onto the sheik feel. I used Helvetica throughout alongside simple icons however this was something I didn't pay a huge amount of attention to, I got these aspects of the wayfinding out of the way quickly this has worked in my favor and also not in my favor. It means I have not had alot to talk about when coming to type and icons but its also meant I could get thinking about more than just the type and icons as Helevtica is a perfectly suitable typeface not alot of time was necessary on the topic. This also works for the pictograms as The Core itself is not a huge shopping mall, so only a very basic pictogram range was needed such as toilet, fire exit, arrows etc. In additon to this my system was much more maeterials and typography based little icons where used as I they did not feel necessary. My final resolution is made to revolve around fitting what The Corse needs, this stems from The Core being a fairly newer shopping centre which is still expanding research showed that only very recently, creams, mooboo and others opened. They have stores out to be rented also. So what they needed was a very adaptable system to make things much more simpler when a new store moves in or something changes. My way finding allows through moveable signage, a simply to take add new stores and signs which can be applied to all types of walls.
What I really found to be a problem with this project was creating the mock-ups, due to my lack of Photoshop skills. I struggled to create the free standing bamboo boards. Using the bamboo complicated this further when compared to if I had used colours. This was because I couldn’t find a reliable wooden texture however I worked with what I could find. Applying the signs to images was difficult when trying to get perspective correct, Another issue I faced was my photographs had come out very dark this was very frustrating because I was using my actually camera for these but my phone was taking next photographs however they was much smaller. To get around this I just had to edit my SLR photos on Photoshop.
What I noticed between this brief and my second brief when in comparison was, For this project I did much more research where my second brief lacked research but was very strong when it came to idea generation compared to this brief which did not have a huge selection of main ideas. This is something I will keep my eye on next module by keeping it slightly more even throughout. However I do believe some projects require more research than others also because of the amount of research I did, It allowed me to come a informed decision much faster. Whereas with studio brief 2 I did not have this but I had enough ideas to create a informed decision from feedback. One big regret for this project would be I did not create a map, Looking back over my research into the core I can see there was near to no map. This could of been a nice extra to go along with the way finding. It could also of been used as an alternative to showing spaces within the building that could be rented instead of having signs everywhere.
One thing I would worry about for this concept is production of the pieces I am sure they can be made but I am also aware that this could be complicated and expensive, The signs would have to be formed around a mould and a mould of that size could be expensive, bamboo itself is also a expensive material but arguably worth it but aesthetically and ethically. One other issue is I do not actually know how sustainable this would be. I know the materials used would be which is a step in the righ directions but I do not know enough about manufacturing to say the whole process will be sustainable. Another issue could be safety of the free-standing sign in case children where pulling on them, to prevent this they are designed to be much larger at the base, but this would still be a concern. Because I didn’t have enough time and also it would be rather difficult to do, the size of the free standing signs is not 100% correct, It was guessed ideally it would be sampled properly to find the correct size.
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