Saturday, 12 May 2018

04: Evaluation


This project lasted much longer than I had originally planned, which made it not enjoyable by the end, I felt it was not where I wanted it but had to round it off. Producing the publication took much longer than expected. I felt this project would have worked much better in an online format, this is something I need to think more about before starting a project. However, It was beneficial because it helped me understand what I do not enjoy.

I collected a number of interviews with the models, it would have been nice to encourage this content into the publication slightly more. I did enjoy working with photographs, I felt these were the strongest element. Working with a student outside of graphics was also very rewarding. 

The final outcome for me was okay, I would have liked to have the interviews throughout. However, because I didn't get all the responses they were taken out. Next time around I would think about format more and the most appropriate way to target my audience. Something I have learnt is not to go straight for the publication as a outcome. 

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