Thursday, 3 May 2018

08: Plastic Ocean - Plastic in our food

Plastic pollution finds its way into the ocean through a number of ways, Beaches, Drains, Ships. The Plastics although not biodegradable, do degrade into microplastics from Uv rays. These small pieces of plastics are eaten by bottom feeders of the ocean which ultimately makes its way back up the food chain to us. The chemicals from the plastic contaminate the flesh of the fish, Although not deadly to us it is an example of an issue which if not prevent could become unmanageable. 

Scientists at Ghent University in Belgium recently calculated that shellfish lovers are eating up to 11,000 plastic fragments in their seafood each year.

' was reported that plastic was found in a third of UK-caught fish, including cod, haddock, mackerel and shellfish.'

'..plastic-eating fish are now showing up in supermarkets.'

'new research showed that common plastics attract a thin layer of marine algae, making them smell like nutritious food.'

'some studies have warned that microplastics, particularly at the nanoscale, could transfer from the guts to the meat'

'An estimated 10-12% of the global population relies on fisheries and aquaculture for their livelihood'

'Perhaps the shock of finding plastics returning to us on our dinner plates will help to bring that message home. “We’re on the edge of a major ecological disaster,"

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