Sunday, 14 February 2016

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 1 - Tame impala (The less I know the Better) - Idea 1

The first idea I experimented with was 'Fuck Trevor' due to the simplicity of this I could experiment with it a lot. I first used vector text for me it lacked depth and interest Fig 1. So I quickly moved onto coloured clay, Fig 1 was the fastest letters I could make from just rolling the clay I wanted to really try and get across and childish feel with this one. Fig 3 plays with the positioning of the letter however I really didn't like this so decided to go back to just a normal left to right alignment. Fig 3 The letters have been taken slightly more time with just flattered and squared off, I found this to be the best it looked much more professional but still had a childish feel through the colours and chose of language. Because the lyrics of the song really sounds like a situations someone would haven high school I found clay to be a appropriate method as pointed out in my crit, It represents the child like side of the situation as someone has gone through the effort of spelling it out with clay just to get there point across, as well as coloured clay having connotations to daycare centres etc. The photography for these are also not good enough for final resolutions so I will be practicing this within workshops. The final outcomes for this I think where better however I was unsure of the colour scheme. It just seemed very neutral still I wanted to really jazz it up abit. What I found was when the clays mix together they can create really nice patterns see fig 5, So my next stage will be to make an array of letters through this method but I want to really make sure I'm blending the correct colours to create the best harmony throughout or the opposite to create a more juxtaposition effect. Both will be tried and tested. On monday I will also give letter press as go. 

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

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