Monday, 18 January 2016

OUDG405 - Leaflets development and experimentation

Once I decided on the format of my leaflet I generated ideas from the research on the subject I had obtained. I wanted to create a consistency throughout linking them in one way or the other, typeface idea etc. One Idea was to base the leaflet around typefaces having a sarcastic statement in bold helvetica to create a strong point. Attacking the packet of cigs they have just bought making them think twice about the purchase. 'To make sure your getting your moneys worth here's a break down of diseases' Along with listed diseases. 'The art of buying the privilege to die' with and art piece of buying cigarettes 'To make sure your getting your moneys worth' with a break down of all ingredients in cigarettes. Another idea was to use time and how much smoking will reduce the amount of time individuals have through smoking this included. Lungs filling up with tar and reducing the age smokers will pass away at. The use of a time glass is also used to present time and it passing faster. These leaflets also include information on how time will heal the smoker and how it will heal the smoker. The future smoker was one idea which I took directly from the information video on smoking called The future smoker. This shows everything needed to live as a smoker however they do not exist, pointing out we are not created to smoking and it leads to diseases the future smoker is resistent to. One uses my original idea of the boulevards which are upside down with the cig being stubbed out. This also has interesting facts that are general but most probably unknown. Ex smoker is aimed at the smokers vanity to get them think about there life without ciggerretes and how they may be better off. My final one is social faster vs social smoker, the idea here is to use humour to approach the topic more subtle creating something which people may actually share rather than throw away, It also targets a slightly younger audience which sometimes may be over looked when there is a large majority of underage smokers.

What I aim to achieve from these is to target all aspects of smokers, young, middle age and older. Luckily each age group will be hit by these leaflets however some will work better than others for each age group. I also want to teach the smoker something they may not already know with the hope of more knowledge creates a better understanding of what there actually doing. This will then help them make a more informed decision which will last longer. 

Fold Sampling

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