Monday, 4 January 2016

Public Information - Studio task 3

I watched smoker of the future as my video.

I found that the tone of voice was very dark and slightly sarcastic. The scene is set in the future and within darkness showing the man on his own making connections to smoking being unsociable and fraund upon, The man is made to seem scary this could be to keep children away from smoking. The message is we are not designed for smoking and even if we was it would not be a good things as the 'future smoker' has terrible features making him look alien like. The audience for this is aimed at smokers themselves as well as non smokers who may know a smoker, the non smoker may then try to convince them to quit etc. It describes the features of someone born to smoke, while adding information such as diseases which can be caused by smoking. Signifiers such as Fire are used within the background representing hell, evil etc.

Smoker Of The Future

The first natural born smoker will have …
a larger nose to filter out impurities,
self-cleaning lungs,
a highly-developed index and middle finger,
smaller ears (because they don’t listen),
extra eyelids to protect the eyes from irritating smoke,
and of course an in-built resistance to heart disease, lung cancer and thrombosis.
Unfortunately, the first natural born smoker has never been born. 

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