Monday, 11 January 2016

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 2 - Research

For this project I really wanted to understand the thoughts behind actual smokers and find ways to really get to them rather than just telling them smoking is bad you should stop which they obvisouly already know I want to tell them something they may not or make comparisons which would embarrse them. So Here is where i am going to research in-depth on good effect content I thought a good place to start would be to look at how other countries have tackled the problem.

This was one of my favourites aiming at the average smokers vanity. By comparing them to ex smoker, I smoke myself so when i read this it made me think Do they smell better? Does smoking really make me smell?. I feel the comparison gets you thinking. This advert was from Barcelona

The next was from Ontario I thought this was a great idea it pretty much mocks the social smoker into thinking about there habit and why they do it. Comparing them to something so stupid makes light of the situations but not to much that it doesn't have an impact. 

This advert is from Australia, It is an idea i have been thinking about using within a info gram. The idea is to simple to explain the health benefits you receive from quitting over a long period of time. However i do not find this advert very effective the actually information is in a very small point. The main focus seems to be the man which isn't telling me much at all. 

Finally is the uk, now this is very hard hitting advert could defiantly put people off from smoking due to the graphic nature of it but however i worry due to the graphic nature people are quick to turn away or change the channel then ignoring that they every saw it. On the other hand its such a simple yet powerful image I think the truth of it is what makes it so hard hitting. literally turning the term cancer stick into reality. 

Research shown form an australian meta-analysis from 2011 found that ads hammering the negative health impacts were most effective in getting smokers to kick the habit. Now i know these are not findings from the uk however i feel smoking is a global thing its an addiction millions share and what gets someone elsewhere to quit i think could defiantly work the other side of the world. espacly  considering everybody worrys about there health.

When speaking to actually smokers and ex-smokers Reasons i got for why they want to quit where as follows. 

(Glenn - 50) 'I want to be in control of my life again instead of nicotine being in control'

(Nicky - 45)  'I don't want to die of smoking related disease and pay a future in cigarettes for the privilege' 

(Jonathan - 20) 'I want to be in prime health'

(Tara - 20) 'Health would be my main concern when quitting smoking as well as money'

(megan - 19) 'I do not wish to quit yet but if i did it would be due to health problems'

Looking at this i can see that the majority tend to worry about health the most. 

'As smokers, we learn early on to put up a mental wall of denial between our smoking habit and the harsh reality of the damage we're inflicting on ourselves with every cigarette smoked.

We tell ourselves lies that allow us smoke with some level of comfort. We say we have time to quit...that cancer doesn't run in our family...that we can stop any time we want to...that the bad things happen to other people. And because smoking is typically a slow killer, those lies support the framework of our wall of denial for years and years.

Eventually though, most smokers find that the wall begins to crumble, and bit by bit, smoking becomes a fearful, anxious activity. This is when most smokers start seriously thinking about how they might find a way to quit smoking for good.

A crucial step in the recovery process from nicotine addiction involves breaking through that wall of denial to put smoking in the proper light. We need to learn to see our cigarettes not as the friend or buddy we can't live without, but as the horrific killers they truly are.
If you're a smoker wishing you could quit, make your mind up to dig your heels in and do the work necessary to quit smoking now. You'll never regret it.'

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