Monday, 18 January 2016

OUGD405 - Info graphic development

For these designs I wanted to use silihuetes to suggest the future smoker, ex smoker could be anybody this was to appeal to more people by having them relate the siliheute to themselves on a personal level. I wanted all letters to be in capitals through the three series, this is to propose seriousness, importance and shouting through the page. Type face used throughout is helvetica other typefaces such as futura and bebas bou was tried and tested however they are much more condensed and filled up much larger proportions of the page when scaled to fit. I used a 4 by 6 grid on each layout, they are created to fit a 2:3 ratio of 4 inches wide an 6 inches tall. The 2:3 ratio is taken from Jan Tschichold and originally suggested by van de Graaf in Van de Graaf Canon. I found this from research into my design principles booklet, It is supposed to create perfect page harmony books I wanted to apply this to my leaflets and see how it worked. I used both helvetica bold and regular for some samples this is to highlight both words so for example the ex smokers info panel can be read two ways. One is feels, smells, breathes, lives naming things an ex smoker can do secondly is when they are read together, smells better, Lives longer. However this only seems to work within this leaflets due to the information so to keep constancy I will maybe change them to regular apart from titles. Although this is not a final decision yet. Social smoker vs social farter was made to look similar to boxing posters. 

I applied these to some of the folds I have been testing out. 

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