Monday, 4 January 2016

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 2 - Brainstorming

Info graphic leaflets to stop smoking

Idea Brainstormed and found online
  • How smoking harms others around them Children, pets, family etc. 
  • What the smoker is actually at risk of, list of diseases etc.
  • The positive improvements they will see after quitting. 
  • E-Cig statistics and how they can help.
  • Why its so hard to quit smoking and real tips to stop. 
  • A service that could be provided with information on the subject. 
  • A better understanding of the issue as a whole, integrating all aspects. 
  • Looking into people themselves and getting real answers to how they actually quit, what helped them and why. 
  • A array of images of people with why they quit smoking written on them. Ranging from less intense to very intense e.g. My mum, Because I have lung cancer. 
  • Looking at habit rather than smoking itself. 
  • listing whats in the cigs 
  • Cigs related to mental health. 
Info graphic Ideas. 
  • Using something physical ash trays, bins etc. Research into pshyical info.
  • creating something to go into all cigarette packing, incorporating sustainable stock etc.
  • Posters and adverts.
  • Something involving apps, website etc.
  • Using images to convey meaning however is already being done. 
  • using the packaging itself as the info graphic. 

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