Saturday, 13 May 2017

Empowering Design Products

Text Ninja a solution to texting while driving. This a very clever idea because the incentive, is really good. You place the ninja in your car and it records your driving use while not using your phone. With that data once you reach a point you can use that to get reduced insurance fees.

Distractagone is another really interesting concept. What I loved amount this was the group element of it, as this is a defiant period of time where you do not want to be distracted. Because it is important to spend quality time when you are with loved one. This box allowed up to four phone, which will lock you out for a period of time. My only issue with this is, I dont think anybody would ever actually purchase one of these. But maybe these feature could work as an app or a option on smartphones.

Rive is another idea created to reduce texting and driving. Its a simple concept of locking out your phone while it is plugged in and  replying to people who text you for you.

Another interesting idea to help reduce distraction and empower the user by creating a easy focus for them. It seems that the clever solutions are simplifying an area of tech, to help increase focus. Taking the typeing only from a laptop.

An extension which allows use to keep focuses by blocking websites or setting a timer to focus.

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