Studio brief 2 - Eaulation
Within studio brief 2 there was an issue with my time management, I misjudged the designing process, veery badly. Resulting in unfinished work and ultimately a much weaker project. If it had gone to plan, I would have liked to of had a fully working flinto video and a very in-depth pitch explaining the entire concept, which I could distribute to a number of sectors. My plan was to execute the drawings as well as possible so, I could easily mock them up ui design. This, however, took me longer than expected. I did enjoy using sketch very much and I did feel that my decisions made to the facebook applications were well justified through my research. The execution, however, was done poorly and unprofessionally. The basic concept was to use facebook as an example setter through the time well-spent movement. I learnt a lot about the attention economy and application ui psychology. Why notifications are delayed and why delayed rewards are a sure fire way to get us hooked.
I was very disappointed with my design for the pitch, I felt like if I had managed time much better. I could have produced something much more beautiful, which would have made a lot more sense. The product is very much lacking range and distribution as well as a lot of the design elements of the product. Although I did feel like my breadth of research was better than any other project I have done. I got an extremely large amount of relevant data and research even going to the effort to track my own facebook usage.
I found being in charge of our own brief is always a challenge but is very rewarding in the end. As we set our own hurdles and what we set out to produce tends to be a nice representation of ourselfs. Although saying that, I do not think ui design would be my first choice for my next outcome. I have learnt from this that I definitely prefer to work with my hand. Next year i will be making a conscious effort to keep this up. For me 505 studio brief 1 was my fav project so far, I had so much fun playing around in the dark room, no knowing what my outcome would look like was much more interesting to me than working digital.
Overall I do feel like my design practice is gradually improving, considering research is something I really struggle with, I am happy to say I made a strong effort with it in this project and feel like within my next I will be confident to get the research down i a better time. To give myself much more time for the designing.
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