Thursday, 11 May 2017

SB2 - What is my Problem?

So now after reassessing and decideding a more specific topic, I am aiming to really pin down what the problem I am trying to solve is. The problem is there is alot of diffrent problems to be solved, information overload, nomophia and distraction. what it seems to come down to is our time, and how we are spending it. Corprations creating applications to maximise the amount of time we spend on there product. Now this is fundermentaly down to the current business model of these companys, who use advertisements as there way to create revenue. Its also partly to do with our economic ideals of profit being the highest margin for success within a business. There are companys now however who are being created to not actuall hold this idea and I could attempt to create a brand or product with this idea at its core. However considering my time scale now I think it would be unwise to adventure on such a large project. So thinking back to my issue of time and attention with social media being my main focus as this is where my research has lead me. I began to think about how I can help to minamise attention taken from us, speaking to elliot I mentioned an idea me and edd had thought about which could be a type of sarafi reading feature but for facebook, where it would focus mainly on important information. Because the thing is social media has alot of good, its a great platform to socialise, find events, keep in contact but then videos of animals with click bait titles are always going to drew your attention. Instantly elliot said like a filter, to get rid of all the crap we dont need. After speaking on the subject for several mins, and exploring the idea we decided there is defiantly room for it to grow however I need to do some primary research to see what is actually distracting people. 

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