Sunday, 14 May 2017

Feedback from crit

  • I was warned to be carefull of not having a large amount to design, as the design could be a large part of the project. 

  • We spoke about the amount of data social media platforms pick up from us and how this then feeds back into our newsfeed, but usually for advertisements. What if this data was used to increase our productivity?
  • People find that facebooks 'big brother' atitude can come across very creepy and untrusting sometimes. This is with very obvious adverts, they is need for subtle and trust. 

  • Look into flipboard, could I create a plateform for all social medias to live within. Applie a filter to this so only relevant content appears. 

  • I was also told to focus more on time wasted,  usage and awarness to help people to get less distracted by social media. 

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