Sunday, 17 April 2016

Development - Issues - Studio Brief 2 & 1 - 404

 A large amount of my issue I found was when I came to print and put together my publication.  Things such as folding the publication to all fit in perfectly. Because I filled some pages with full images or colour, when printing the prints would not perfectly align up this meant when folding one side may be off, as seen below there are a few that did this. When It came to folding my cover I also folded this at the wrong place. 

I had a large amount of issues with my front cover, First of all I wanted it printed onto a texture stock but when I went to print on it it wouldn't actually work because it was more like a canvas which I did not realise. However I had use of it with my smaller publication. I had my front cover printed separately within staples when I got them back to cut down they was the wrong size and had crop marks in the middle. next time around I would make sure I had enough time within the print room. 

When trying to move my work over from my laptop to the macs within the print room It would not allow for me to take along my font cardamon, this was to do with type kit and was a serious pain. Because I didn't want to change my type I decided to turn each paragraph into vectors through illustrator this lead to some words being missed out on a few test prints as well as this one on my final piece. However by this point I did not have time to print again. Next time around I would just change the font this was a lot of un needed hassle. 

        Here the type is set slightly lower than I would of liked, giving a noticeable gap which is bigger than the top.  

One of the biggest challenges I had with this publication was the typesetting something I wish I had payed closer attention when developing my journal. Here there type is set very badly with - in play. 

Here I have only just realise the numbering Is wrong as it goes from 3 to 7 then 6 and it is meant to be 5. 

On all these inserts I used justify all lines for the text. At the time I felt like this was a good Idea now looking back at it I can see that these should be aligned left to right. 

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