My publication layout for this brief was highly influences through, independent magazines, old cook books and new cook boys. I took Large influence form the gourmand a contemporary food journal which focuses articles around food with recipes within the back end of the publication. This informed me to not create a whole book based on recipes as this becomes uninteresting. I found this in jamie oliver recipe books also with general information on food, friends and family as well as recipes. I still wanted my book to focus on the recipes and put a lot of focus on them create double page spreads with them. I used two main typefaces, Cardamon pro and avenir I used these alternatively switching on each chapter. To create a slightly more engaging booklet. My reason for using cardamon was I found it to be much more rough and rigged when compared to other serif fonts. I felt like this fitted well within my publication because I see the elements as going back to basics, this font reminded me of something ancient written on rock. It was also a great body text. Aver is a brilliant body text with great legibility, Slightly more dull when used for title but I did slightly like this as it added a nice contrast between the two. However I do think I would maybe just use one font next time around. I used coloured pages throughout to hint towards the elements again, I have a lot of this throughout the chapters, for example symbols of each element.
I wanted to really create something with a lot going on but in a clear order which would tone it down. Iso within this book I tried to use lots of diffrent techniques this could be seen as bad thing follow trends or just over crowding however I aimed to do this, as this is my first ever publication I found it great trying all sorts of diffrent techniques and I was keen to do so. For examples here is a list of things I added many could be argued they was not needed, colouring papers block colour, using diffrent stocks within the publication, using minimal white space and also using a large amount of white space, using more than one typeface throughout as well as bolds etc. Using various type face sizes, using illustrations swell as photographs, using quotes, playing type within grids as well as not within grids.
Publications I looked at - People of Print - print isn't dead - Put an egg on it- The gourmand - Boat - jamie oliver - The larder chef - Convent garden soup - a few more older fresh cook books.

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