Today within our group we discussed branding and themes we could use that would run throughout the project. I proposed the idea of acetates using coloured half tones over bold texts which we then refined down to a series of lazers as we felt it would work better within the branding. We kept the idea of acetate and decided to make this a theme which would run throughout. We also decided to use debit cards as invites because we thought be could really create something bespoke to the indivual professionals, as it as all the nesscary slots for information and it coukd fit into there wallets, it would also make mor esense to put into the atms for feedback. We also though to put these onto large a1 sheets within the exhbition to create a bigger social media buzz as people could take photographs with them. To bring in the local community we had the idea of sending out some info to local breweiers asking if they would like to suppliy beer, brewierys such as north and the northern monk where ones we considered.
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