Module OUGD404 Has been my favourite module so far I really allowed me to explore a personal interest of mine in relation to graphic design I though this was great. In terms of producing the work It was defiantly the most challenging but also the most rewarding. It took up a considerable amount of time which I did not plan for well enough. This left me putting my final publications together very close to the end of the module this lead to rushing which lead to mistakes being made on both publications, next module to get around this issue I will plan my time better, I will create a schedule in order to do this. I find on the modules that run throughout the course tend to be harder for me to keep track of in terms of timing and blogging. One thing I really struggled to keep up with was the documenting of my publication on my blogs, This seemed to be more of a forgetting for issue as I would get into the work finish then realise I had’nt photographed any work to document, This lead to lead to difficulties down the line. I learnt a very large amount in this module about design principles which has rippled throughout all of my work and been very useful. I also learnt a lot in relation to editorial design something I had little to no knowledge of, This module sparked a interest of independent journals within me something I now find my self reading regularly and something which also influenced me hugely through this project. I learnt a lot through study tasks but feel I actually learnt the most from the practical work. Through trail and error I am gradually picking up what works and what doesn't when putting publications together one being how difficult it is to get a clean bind with no other pages coming through and how there are ways to make this easier when it comes to production. My biggest flaws in editorial design one which I would like to improve on drastically is typesetting, I struggled with this throughout my publication, I feel it really let down the quality of my work. I learnt how to work with grid, a lot about colour theory as well as figure and ground. One thing I did not realise Is how difficult and time consuming it would be to put my publications together. As well as how difficult it is to just simple get them right throughout. This for me was one of the most difficult parts it lead to mistakes such as cropping to much off on my first publication and not enough on my second. One of my biggest regrets for this studio brief 2 was not using my own content, As I feel my own photography would have made it more bespoke to me. However It was my favourite brief to do I loved being able to explore an interest of mine it made the brief much more personal and fun for me. Because I had more power over the direction in which my publication went I enjoyed research much more for this than studio brief 1. Overall I thought this was a great module it as thought me a lot that I can take with me and apply to other briefs from now on. Studio brief 1 I found slightly less interesting however I enjoyed producing it. Brief 1 for me was extremely difficult to begin because I was being very un-decidied on the content once I had decided I changed it before finalising. Using different stocks was an important part of this publication for me because how little content there was, If redoing this publication I would used align left to right on my inserts and would type set my centre piece of information much better. Typesetting was constant them I struggled with throughout this project. For studio brief 2 I started off with the aim to create a sauce recipe book however after researching into different areas I decided on creating a food journal around the four elements feedback from peers suggested this was a better idea as it allowed me to try a range of different layouts and colours schemes, in comparison. Next time around i would plan the publication much better befor starting something which held me back was not having a rules set in place such as a point size and type face from the start. It was a decision I was changing throughout. I would focus much more on typesetting also to create a publication with better readability, I feel like these are elements of the process which I looked over. I would also create the publication in a order so I can document the creation of it much better rather than adding bits when every I wanted.
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