Thursday, 14 April 2016

Further research - Studio Brief 2 -

So moving on from my research into cook book and cooking magazines I watched cooked on netflixs, as well as reading the book cooked. This had a large influence on the direction my publication took afterwards. I decided to stick to a recipe book however using fire, water, air, earth as the main themes throughout, This is taken from cooked. However as content can be used from alternative sources and not our own I decided to use this as one of my main content sources. Simply because I find it interesting, But also because It has some wrong themes which I can stick, they create a much more interesting focus than just a simple sauce recipe book. I have not completely removed sauce as it is still one of my first recipes however it is now only a small section. The book explores asdos from argentina for fire, indian cuisine for water with a authentic indian curry recipe, bread making in morocco for air and the importance of fermentation for earth with a korean recipe to kimchi. I really wanted to mix up the recipes.

This has lead me to doing a ton of new research beginning with fire, and a theory on how cooking made us who we are. As well as the benefits associated with fermentation. The importance of bread with culture and religion. And lastly Research into indian cuisine.

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